#10 Matching Tattoos

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Harry: You get half a heat each.

The half that Harry has as the first letter of your name and then the half that you have has the first letter of his name. It was just a random day when Harry suggested it and you agreed. When it was finished you absolutely loved. It was only small but it was the best thing that you and Harry ever did.

Liam: You get 'to Infinity and Beyond'

It was your two year anniversary when he suggested it. He wanted to get it with you because he new that you two would be together forever. It was perfect because you both loved Toy Story. When it was finished he took and photo and uploaded it to twitter. It remined you that you two would be together forever.

Zayn: You got half a star each.

You weren't keen on the idea but Zayn promised that it would only be small. And he kept his promise. The half of the star that you had was on the inside of you hand on your fingers. He wanted that because when you held hands the halves would connect together. You loved it and always admired it when Zayn held your hand.

Niall: You get eachothers initials on the back of you neck

It was your birthday and Niall wanted to get you something that would remind you of him and him of you when he went on tour. So you agreed on eachothers initials on the back of your neck. It was painful when you had it done but he held your hand. When it was finished you took and photo to see what it looked like and you loved it. It was a little piece of him that you had when he went on tour.

Louis You get a bird on your hip carring half a heart

It was just a random day when you said that you wanted to get matching tattoos and he agreed. You went to the pallor and agreed on getting a bird on your hip holding half a heart and a bird on his hip with the other half. You loved it and would always look at it in the mirror. It was something special to both of you.

Sorry it's not my best :(

-Amanda <3

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