#12 He leaves for tour

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Harry: He was hugging you, rocking you back and forth making your laugh. He loved your laugh. He kissed you and hugged you tighter before letting you go and making his way to board the flight. He turned around one last time and waved and blew you a kiss which you returned. Then he turned and walked up the ramp.

Liam: You had tears streaming down your face, you didn't want Liam to leave. He was hugging you tightly wiping the tears away. Shushing you and telling you sweet things. You stayed like this until he had to go. He kissed the last remaining tears away and hugged to tighter. He kissed you one last time and then made his to the plane.

Louis: He was telling you jokes, doing anything to make you laugh one last time before he had to go. After telling you the last joke he grabbed you into a bone crushing hug. Only then did it hit you that he had to leave because the plane had arrived. He whispered 'I Love You' in your ear kissed you and the left.

Niall: You were trying your hardest not to let any tears fall but Niall could see through your act. He cupped you face and kissed you hard on the lips. That was your final straw, a few of your tears slipped free and he kissed them away. Telling you not to cry because he would be back before you knew it. He hugged you one last time and then left.

Zayn: He was just about to leave when he took something out of the carry-on luggage he had. it was a shirt. He kissed you and told you it was so you didn't forget about him when he was away. He kissed you and hugged you tightly, before he turned and walked onto the plane.


Sorry this one might be bad. And sorry if there are any spelling mistakes.

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