#9 Its Your Birthday

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Harry: I woke up to the smell of freshly made blueberry pancakes, YUM! I got out of bed slowing and followed the smell to the kitchen. "Mmmm, whats that smell?" I said as I walked into the kitchen. "Your breakfast. Happy Birthday babe" Harry said while placing the plate on the table then kissing me on the lips. "Hope you like them and we have a big day today" Harry said smiling. "Ok" I replied and started eating my pancakes. After breakfast harry took me to the movies and then to the fair and we went on all the rides. "I had so much fun today Harry, thank-you" I said. "Your welcome baby, but theres one more thing I want to give you" He replied pulling a small square box from under the bed. "Happy Birthday again" He said giving me the box. I opened the box and in the box was a necklace that had "Harry & (Y/N) forever" engraved on it. "Oh Harry, it's wonderful I love it" I said hugging him. "I'm glad you like it babe" He said. Then we hopped into bed and cuddled untill we fell asleep.

Louis: It was my birthday and I had to work, great. I got out of bed with a sigh. I got to work and set up at the counter at Forever 21. It was a slow day and I could wait to get home so Louis and I could go out. It was around 2:00 when someone walked into the store, I looked up and came face to face with Louis. He hand a bag off Nandos too, YUM!! "Louis what are you doing here?" I asked confused. "Well, I couldn't let my girlfriend starve on her birthday at work, could I know?" He replied "Stay right here while I sweet talk your boss into having the rest of the day off". I did as he said and when we came back out he grabbed my hand and we walked out of the store. "Thank-you Louis for saving me from work" I said. "Anything for you beautiful" he replied. We walked around town for a while when he dragged me into a store and bought me a braclet that said 'I will always love you' "Happy Birthday hun" Louis said. "Thank-you" I said with a smile. We spent the rest of the day in town then we went home and watched a movie. Best Birthdat Ever!

Liam: I woke up to Liam kissing me. "Happy Birthday angel" Liam said. "Thank-you Li" I replied. "Get up and dressed i'm taking you out" He said walking out of the room. "Oh and wear something nice". "Ok" I said. I got dressed into a nice summer dress and put on my sandals. I walked into the living room. "You look amazing babe" Liam said with a smile. "Thank-you, now where are we going?" I asked. "Well, it's a suprise so you have to put this on" He said handing me a blindfold. "Ok" I said putting on the blindfold. He lead me to the car and then stated to drive to the mystery location. "Where are we going? We have been in this car for hours" I said. "Be patient, we'll be there soon" Liam replied. We were in the car for around another half an hour when he finally pulled over. "We're here but you can't take the blindfold off yet" He said. He walked me over some where when he took the blindfold off me. It was a picnic set up in the middle of a field with purple flowers ever where. "Wow, Liam this is breath taking" I gasped. "Glad you like it" He said kissing me. He handed me a bunch of my favourite flowers "Happy Birthday" He said. I must say it was the best birthday I ever had.

Niall: It was my birthday and I had a feeling that something good was going to happen. Niall had bee avoiding me for most of the day, apart from when he said Happy Birthday in the morning. It was now 5 in the afternoon. "Hey babe, for your birthday we are going out to the club" Niall said. "Ok" I said. I walked upstairs and put on a dress that hugged my curves. I walked back down stairs to see Niall all dressed up. "You look beautiful as always princess" Niall said hugging me. "You look amazing too" I replied kissing him. We walked to the car and he drove us to the club. "Are you sure we are ment to be here?" I asked, because the room was all dark. "Yes babe" he said. Then all of a sudden, the lights turned on and all my friends and the boys jumped out. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" they all yelled. "WOW" I said "Thank-you Niall" I said. "Your welcome princess" he said. We were having a fun time dancing untill my favourite song came on. Everybody circled around us and I was very confused. All of a sudden Niall was on one knee with a ring in his hand. "(Y/N), will you do me the honour of becoming my wife?" Niall asked my with a smile. "Yes Niall, I will" I said jumping into his arms and kissing me. Everyone cheered. I could't believe it I was going to spend the rest of my life with the one I loved, Niall.

Zayn: It was my birthday today and so far Zayn had taken me out to breakfast and bought my a necklace I had my eye on for a while. "For your birthday Honey there is one more present i want to get you. I know you have wanted one for a while. So I thought that we could get matching ones" Zayn said with smile on his face. "Are you talking about getting matching tattoos?" I asked with a grin. "Yep" Zayn replied. He walked me to the car and we hoped in and he started to drive to the tattoo parlour. When we arrived I must say I was feeling very nervous. "Nervous babe?" Zayn asked. "Yes, very nervous" I replied holding his hand. "You'll be fine and remember i'm getting one too" Zayn said with a smile. We walked in and I chose a tattoo that you split in half. One half says 'To Infinity' and the other half says 'And Beyond'. I got the to infinity part. The tattoo artist walked me to the chair and got me ready to get the tattoo and then started the tattoo, Zayn was in the chair next to me. I must say it hurt very badly. "You like it baby?" Zayn asked me when the tattoo was finished. "Yes I love it! Thank-you" I replied hugging him. "No problem" Zayn replied. We hoped into the car and went to show the boys the tattoos. Best birthday present ever.

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