#7 The Other Boys Don't Like You

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(His POV)

Harry: "So guys, what did you think of (Y/N)?" I asked. They all just mumbles something that I couldn't understand, when finally Louis spoke up. "We don't like her,  We think thats she a try hard and doesn't really love you" he said. "Yeah" Niall said "The way she clang on to you like that"  My face fell. She wasn't a try hard and she didn't cling on to me. "I don't know what your problem is but you better get used to her because shes going to be around for a while" I said angrily. Then I stormed out of the room.

Liam: (Y/N) had just left after meeting the boys for the first time and I really wanted to know what they thought of her. "So did you like (Y/N)?" I asked hoping that they did. "No, you spent like all your money on her, she's just using you" Zayn said. I got really upset, (Y/N) didn't ask me to buy her any of those things I just liked getting her gifts. "To be honest Zayn" I replied, "(Y/N) didn't ask me to buy her anything of those things in fact she said that she didn't want me wasting my money on her". The boys looked stunned. "I hope you think about changing you mind on her" I said and walked out of the room.

Zayn: I had just escorted (Y/N) to the front door and now I was walking back to the living room where the boys were when I heard talking. I desided to wait a while and listen to what they were saying. "I don't like her shes looks like a skank" I heard Harry say. "I know, look how short was that dress she was wearing" Liam sighed. I had heard enough by now, I stormed back in and watched that boys faces fill with horrer. "How dare you say that about (Y/N)!!" I shouted. Before storming out of the room I turned around and shouted "And FYI her dress was down to her knees" 

Louis: (Y/N) had to leave because she had work the next day, so I kissed her good-bye and went back to see what the boys thought. "So guys... What did you think of her?" I asked with a smile. "I didn't like her one bit" Niall said with a bitter tone. "Either" said Harry "God her laugh is so annoying". I had gotten real mad now and the boys new so that shut up very quickly. "I can't believe you would say that about her, and her laugh is so adorable, so next time you see, you apoligise for being rude." I said and then marched out of the room.

Niall: I know from the moment that (Y/N) walked through the door that they didn't like her. They would just roll their eyes everytime she said something. So when she left I just let all my anger out. "Why were you so rude to her?" I yelled, "She did nothing to derserve it". "We just don't like her mate, shes like the type of girl that will get what she wants and then leave you" Louis said. "(Y/N) wouldn't do that shes had a rough past and I plan on making her feel better" I said calmly. Then I just walked out of the house.




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