#6 Your Crying

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Liam: Seeing you cry nearly makes him cry. He is so used to seeing you happy and smiling, so when your crying he gets very unhappy. He will stroke your hair and trace small patterns on your back. He'll wipe stray tears away as they fall. He'll do this untill you stop crying and tell him whats wrong. 

Harry: He'll pull you onto his lap and rub his hand up and down your back. He'll sing your favourite song softly in your ear. He'll do anything to make you smile again. When he can't get you to smile by his singing he will hope on top of you and tickle you untill your laughing so hard that you forget the reason why you were crying. 

Zayn: He so mad that someone made you cry that it takes him a couple of minutes to realise that you need him with you. When he realises this he will take you in his arms and rub his hands over your nuckles and whisper in in your ear how special you are to him and how much he loves you untill you finally stop crying.

Louis: He'll do anything to make you smile even if it makes him look silly, he only wants to see you smile. He'll pull funny faces and tell you jokes until he sees even a corner of a smile. When he sees this he will jump up and down saying he knew he could make you happy again.

Niall: He is immediatley by your side trying to stop the tears that are making your way down your face. He will hold you tightly and rub small circles on your back and use his thumb to wipe away any loose tears. He will do this untill your ready to talk to him about whats happened.

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