Chapter 7

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Makas P.O.V.

It's been 2 months since the incident with Black Star. I've been pregnant with the baby for 6 months now. 3 more months.....I still need to tell Soul too. Black Star and I are actually good now. Smiling when we see each other.Tsubaki and him have gotten close and its been good for the whole gang. Liz and Kid also got into a relationship. They were adorable!

Well, I decided I'll tell Soul today. He really needs to know.

                  {•The next Day•}

I wake up looking next to me to have Soul laying next to me. We've been sleeping in the same room months already. He's hands were wrapped around my rest with his mouth against my cheek. I smiled down at him and lightly pulled onto his hair that had turned into my way of waking him up. Doing that was like his new alarm.

Soul's P.O.V.

I felt Maka pull into my hair. It woke me up and I looked down at her with a smile on my face. "Good morning!", she said smiling back. I looked at her face and she did the same. She then got up from the bed and went to take her shower. I got out of the room and into the living room and started watching a few films. They weren't that cool. We should really get a few movies at the RedBox. Maka came out a while later and ready, and started making breakfast. Ever since she learned I couldn't make food, she tried her best to get me away from anything I could make food with or burn anything. The only thing I know how to cook are maruchanis. That made my mouth of those would be great right now! My favorite one is the chicken flavored one. I loved the vegetables in it, the noodles, and especially the corn. The corns the best part to me. Wait, am I boring you? Sorry, let's change the subject now.

Makas P.O.V

After being done with making the good Soul turns the TV of and comes eat. We talk about the upcoming dance at school. And then I decided right after this, it's time to tell him. The thought of it scares me.......I can't believe it'd do something that idiotic. I mentally sigh. I wish I could take it back. It wasn't something right for me to do. And at such a young age...? Sigh...... "Maka? You okay? It looks like you want my to say something.", Soul Said. I nodded and swallowed my spit. Soul and I put our dishes away and sat back down at the table. " it is. I um.....

Black Stars P.O.V

Tsubaki walked into the living room dressed and ready. I was training a bit and thinking of when Maka would tell him. She said she would today. I wonder if Souls gonna forgive me. That's what worries me. "Black Star, food ready.", Tsubaki said with a sad face. I stood up and walked over to her and made a questioning look. She turned and walked away into her room. I frowned. It seems she can't talk right now. My smile come back. But when she can, I'll talk to her. I'll make sure she's happy again, and give her my big awesome hugs!

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