84 9 2

Day 4 out of 7


I can't move,

I can't think,

I feel numb,

I feel nothing,

They try to get in I can't let them,

I do want them right now,

I hear banging at the door,

I hear them calling my name telling me to open the door,

But I can't,

They won't let me,

I just lay on my bed telling them to go away,

But them keep coming back,

Telling me things,

That I'm worthless,

Nobody cares,

They don't love me,

But they're wrong,

They do love me,

They do care,

I'm not worthless,

I get up walk over and open the door, I didn't have enough time to let go of the door handle cause I was pulled into a big huge, "Don't ever do that to us ever again" Kenny said,
"Please that scared us, we thought you were dead" said Choco
I slowly pull away and look at the three, "I'm sorry for scaring you guys, I would let it happen again"
Pete smiled, "Good and if it does we're going to break done this door or you're going to let one of us stay in there with you and watch you, you got it Pruston?" he said sternly.
I nod to let him known I understand, "Oh, do you guys want to go to Florida in a few days?"
They take a minute to think and they give me a nod to let me know that they would like to come, I smile, "Alright, I'll talk to you guys later?" They wave goodbye and head into there rooms, yes we all do live together don't judge.

I walk back into my room, keeping my door open so they do bang on it again, and laying down on my bed talking to Lachlan.

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