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(Watch the video when ever its not apart of the chapter I just thought it was funny. sorry if its bad, I never been Laser Tagging before, even tho I really want to)
Rob's POV (next day time)

I walk into the living room seeing everyone, "Hey guys" I say making them all look at me, "since all of that shit happened yesterday, let's go out and do something fun like Laser tag." I say leaning on the wall,
"How are we going to do that, there's 9 of us" Vik questioned
Before I could answer Preston answer for me, "We can have 4 teams. Team One: Pete, Kenny and Choco. Team Two: Rob and I. Team Three: Jerome and Mitch and Team Four: Vik and Lachlan, and after words we can get food or somethin"
"Alright we know what were going to do, so be ready by 3

*At the Laser Tag

After the person explained the rules we get into are team colors and names. Team One is color Green and named TBNRboHutt. Team Two is color light blue and named Poofless. Team Three is color dark blue and named Merome. Team Four is color red and named Vikklan. After we get are vest on we get into are corners and wait for it to say start,

Me and Preston start moving to the right then splitting up trying to find the others

No ones POV

As the teams split up, once they turn the corners they quicky point there gun in case there's someone there. Jerome spots two greens next to each other so he quicky crouches down with his back against the wall. He takes his gun and aims for there chest, "Two thirds of team TBNRboHutt have been eliminated by Team Merome" the intercom spoke. Jerome heard go to groan and take off their vest start walking to the end, before they left she saw that it was Kenny and Choco, shutting the door behind them.
As soon as Pete heard that he went straight to the center, up the tower all way to the top and looks out the window finding both Preston and Rob, then decided to head back down hading in there direction well all that was happening, Preston manage to find Mitch and shooting in the back, at the same time Rob shoot Jerome in the back "Team Merome as been eliminated by Team Poofless" the intercom spoke.
After Merome left, Poofless manage to met up somewhere near the middle then separating trying to Pete.
Pete knew were Preston was cause he's following him and everytime he looks behind him Pete will go behind a wall and wait until he turns back around and keeps moving.
Once Pete know that Preston was going down a long way he shot him in the back making Preston turn around and seeing Pete holding the gun behind his neck, "One Half of Poofless has been eliminated by the last person in Team TBNRboHutt" the intercom spoke
"Nice shot Pete, now look out for Vikklan and Rob"
"Alright, see ya out there" He nods and leaves for the exit making his way back to the rest of the guys.
Rob manage to find Vik and shoot his chest making Vik look down seeing his lights out, "One Half of Team Vikklan has been eliminated by the last person in Team Poofless" Vik than left to go join everyone else and starting there own conversation.
Once Lachlan heard that he decided to go after Rob, no not because he had a thing for Vik even though he thinks that he doesn't love him back, its the fact that Rob's is like the king at this game, but what he doesn't know is that Pete is a god at this game.
As soon as Rob and Lachlan turned a corner, the saw each other with a few feet between them, they didnt know what to do until there lights went out and the intercom spoke, "The last remaining people on Teams Vikklan and Poofless have been eliminated by the last person on Team TBNRboHutt, and for the Team TBNRboHutt wins"
Rob and Lachlan look at each other with disbelief, "Don't just stand there boys, let's leave" Pete said as they see him at the exit waiting for them. They walk over to him, taking off there vest and hanging them up with there guns.

Pete's POV

After me, Rob and Lachlan hang up are stuff we walk back to the group.
"Guess who won?" I say making them look at us, everyone says Rob but Preston he said I won,
"No boys it was Pete, when he shoot us both we didn't even see him" Rob said making everyone look at him in shock but Preston,
"Hey Pete is like a god at this game, he would always play it on his spare time, so like once or twice a day during the week days and on weekend I would always takes him midnight paint balling and he would still win" Preston said with walking up to me putting his arm around my shoulder smiling.
"Hey, I just did everything early as a kid so I can have fun, and now I'm lucky I did cause all of the Laser Tag and paint balling paid off" I say with running my hands through my hair,
"Dude, you got to teach us sometime" Mitch said and I give him a nod,
"Yea sure I would love to, but I'm hungry so let's go get something to eat" everybody cheers was we leave but before I go I gave the person who helped us a tip then join the others on are way to Chipotle cause we're are basic white bitch.

(I hope you guys enjoyed, this was mainly for my honey unpopularfish_52 because she's leaving on the 17th to a sleep away camp in New York for six days and she can't bring her iPad or her phone since they have a no electronics rule, and I cry everytim no heart-eye-emoji😭, I'll miss you, but I hope you have a great time. Bye)

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