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No one's POV

Rob rubs the back of his neck nervously, with a nervous chuckle, "I never thought I would have to saw this to someone but" Rob stops and breathes in and out through his nose, "somebody burned down your house, and your parents and younger siblings are gone" Rob said the last part just above a whisper.
When Preston heard that his eyes were filled with tears, "Why did you tell me now!?" Preston said his voice slightly cracking, while on the verge of tears,,
"That's why I was on the phone before we came in, the hospital and police called telling me that and I wanted to tell you know then later, and they said since your house was burned down and all the stuff added up to give you a mil and should be on your card in a few days. I'm sorry that had to happen to you" when Rob stop talking he walked over to Preston hugging him letting him cry on his shoulder then whispering something in him making Preston nod. Rob bends down putting his arm under Preston legs picking him up bridal style, making Preston snuggle into his chest. Rob takes him upstairs into his bedroom staying there with him until his calms done.

Back downstairs everyone's feeling bad for Preston since everything happened so suddenly and Pete's hitting the wall frustration making Lachlan walk over and grabbing his arms and holding him back while Pete trying to get out of his grab, "Why did it have to be him?!? He's an innocent boy. I wouldn't have cared if it happened to me" at the end Pete stop struggling and gave up, which made Lachlan let go off him.

"You don't mean that, do you?" Vik asked calmly not trying to make Pete angry again,
Pete ran his fingers through tugging it a little, "Well Kenny, Choco I wasn't planned to tell you until later but I might as well tell you and the guys now only Preston knows. So the reason I said I didn't care was that when, I was younger my "parents"" he said putting quotes around 'parents', "would treat me like shit because at a young age I know I was gay and knew what it met. My ''father'' would get drunk every night with his buddies and my ''mom'' would always worked so I rarely ever get to see her. When my ''dad'' and his buddies got drunk they would beat me up sometimes to the point to where I can't walk and to the hospital. They would treat me like shit, like a slave, and the only time they were nice to me is when they needed money which I never gave them because they would use it for alcohol and drugs. So that's why I moved at 16 and happy that I did Because that's how I met Preston, Kenny and Choco." Pete said putting his arms around Kenny and Choco's shoulder, "Now sense today is already fucked up, let's make it more fucked up, first lets all start over and introduce are self's." Pete said

"Hi, I'm Mitchell Donnell-Ralph Hughes, call me Mitch, I'm 22, I'm Canadian and I have anxiety"

"Sup, I'm Jerome Robert Aceti, I'm also 22, I'm from New  Jersey but I am slightly colorblind."

"Hi, I'm Vikram Singh Barn, call me Vik please, I'm British, and I'm age 21"

"Hey, I'm Lachlan Ross Power, I'm Australian, I'm age 24"

"Sup, I'm Brandon Clemets, call me Pete, and I'm 20"

"Yo, I'm Kenny Pygott (I think that's his name im not sure) and I'm age 24"

"Hello, I'm Choco (don't know his name or age) and I'm age 25"

"I'll go for Rob, his name is Robert Latsky, age 23 and he's Canadian"

"I'll do Preston, his name is Preston Blaine Arsement, age 22 and he's Texan"

"Ok since we got that out of the way let's go check on Rob and Preston" said Pete walking towards the steps, everyone follows Pete quietly behind him. As. they make it to the door, Pete opens it letting everyone else see. What they see they all thought is was adorable.

Robs arm around Preston waist with the other in his hair like he was playing with it before he fell asleep, Preston hands and head on his chest, with there legs tangled together.
Everyone was in 'awe' so the shut the door quietly not trying to wake them up, then they went down stairs.

"Ok since there up there and we don't want to be loud, let's go and get us and them something to eat and then go to the mall for them and us." Mitch said and they all nod and head out, leaving the two in peace.

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