An unforgettable betrayal

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A/N: whyyyyy hello guys! I thought I would be nice and update this early so yeahhhhhhh.. Enjoy!


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While I run after Gon, I notice something flash past the corner of my eye. It was too fast to catch but so easy to spot, if it was trying to be quick and sneaky then it has a bad way of trying to hide itself.

I have a bad feeling about this.

When we arrive at the town, everything seemed very... Normal. Nobody looked suspicious in anyway. People were casually just walking around (some with families and some on their own) like nothing. Fisherman sat on stools drinking beer and laughing together in the pub, girls around our age were giggling together while looking at me and Gon (don't know why tho) and children were running around with a ball playing some random game.

It was just like any other day for them. The town was packed and lively as ever, it was hard to tell where to find the danger at all. Suddenly, Gon bolted to the left, speeding down an ally way and leaping up on top of the roof.

And of course... I follow him. I stood on the roof, behind him. I watch him closely, trying to make sure that he doesn't do anything stupid. (Like running straight into the danger and blowing himself up or something...) He stands up straight and closes his eyes.

What the heck is he doing?

He wrinkles his nose a little and breathes in deeply. After several seconds, he breathes out and opens his eyes, glaring to the left of him.

"Over there!" He shouts and goes to springs forward, but, I grab his shoulder before he can do anything so reckless.

"What are you doing Killua?! People are gonna die! Let me go!"

He wriggles in my grasp and tries to remove my hand from his shoulder but I'm not having it. He hasn't thought this through properly, he can't just leap in knowing fully well that it might be a bomb down there, ready to explode if anyone figures out where it's hiding.

"Just calm down first, Gon! we need a plan."

I grip harder on his shoulder to make sure he wasn't going anywhere until I let go.

"But we've got to stop it! If we don't then... It will blow up and kill everyone. I can't stand by and plan a strategy when it can happen any minuet, we've got to do something!" He lowers his head and clenches his fists with his back to me.

He's got a point there. If this really is a bomb, who knows when it's truly going to go off...

I spin him round and make him look at me, I grip both hands on his shoulders and look right into his eyes.

"Yeah maybe you're right, but, I also can't stand by and watch you recklessly jump to the rescue and get yourself killed! At least... At least let me come with you and help you. I mean, we're friends right?" I frown at him once again.

He suddenly relaxed and smiles at me with a glint of determination swirling around those big brown eyes of his.

"Yeah! You're right!" He nods at me.

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