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"Yumi, don't let go."

Gripping her arm tighter, I pull her through the empty rooms.

"Boss they're getting away."

No more, I wouldn't let them hurt her anymore.

"Miu, we can't."

How long had it been, since we'd seen the sun, the sky, felt the breeze or had the earth beneath our feet.

"Stop crying Yumi, I promise we'll be ok."

Wiping away her tears, I hear them approaching, their feet thundering down the empty halls towards us.

"Jump hurry up Yumi, I can only protect you for so long on my own."

"What abo-."

Shoving her through the window, I hold my breath and pray, to whatever God was out there, that she'd make it, that she could finally be free from a life of pain and suffering, inflicted from the men that stood before me.

"You little bitch, where is she?"

"You're gonna get extra from the boss tonight."

Feeling my skin crawl as they began to close in, I hold my breath and close my eyes, waiting for them to finally take away my freedom.

"What? What the hell is that fire?"

Opening my eyes, I see my opportunity and quickly dive out of the window.

"That crazy bitch! Get her before the boss gets back!"

Falling, the sun was bright, the breeze was so cold against my skin. I saw the ground approaching, was this truly the end?


As a hand grabs my wrist I look towards my sister, her big blue eyes staring straight at me, I could see the panic behind them, as she pulled me towards her.

"You idiot, how could you do something so foolish, like pushing me out a window?!"

She was alive, as her hand gripped me tighter; we slowly made our way down the building.

"We have to go now, Yumi."

As bright red flames engulfed the building around us, I quickly pulled her away.

"What was that?"

"Maybe that's, what they've trained us for."

As we run through the streets of some foreign place, I feel my feet ache from the ground beneath us, but we couldn't stop here, not now that we were free. Finally free.

"Where will we go?"

Turning to face her, I can see a few stray tears fall down her cheeks.

"I...I don't know."

I didn't have any answers to the questions she wanted to know, I just knew that we would be safe, as long as we were together we would protect each other, we didn't need anyone else and we didn't want anyone else.

"Let's just find somewhere and go from there ok, Yumi?"

As she gives me a small nod, we swiftly make our way towards some abandoned buildings.

I could feel my body growing more exhausted with each step, but I had to push myself now, for her.


- Yumis POV-

It was dusty and the hard cemented floor beneath our feet was as cold as the wind that came through the windows.

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