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"Miu! I'm back!"

"Ah Yumi!"

Throwing her arms around my neck, she hugged me, surprising me before I could say anything else.

A smile tugged at my lips, as I felt her warmth. It's good to be back.

"Yumi why did you take so long? I was worried sick!"

"Sorry Miu. I told you I'd go out to the library."

"Eeh? When?" Miu began to pout, as she sulked in the corner, her head buried against her knees.

"After you picked a fight with those thugs." I nonchalantly answered. Her head quickly snapped towards me, as she gave me an exaggerated look of confusion.

"Can't remember..." She sulked, obviously remembering that scene and now noticing how I was right once again.

I quickly patted her on her head to soothe her childish ways, as her face brightened once more.

A smirk crossed her lips, probably recalling how she beat those guys from the alley only a few hours ago.

We had gotten use to the random thugs, that approached us on a daily basis, considering that we didn't live in the best part of town.

Not that we could afford to live anywhere better, we were always going from place to place, changing our location, yet we were never really comfortable enough to call anywhere home.

Not that we could. We had a real knack for getting into trouble.

The last two years haven't been easy, but we're definitely getting by.

After we had ran away from that place we'd found shelter in an abandoned house at the edge of a town.

With no other choice, we had to steal to survive. We often got into trouble and had to run away, as people who noticed our sins weren't too happy about it.

However, the more time passed, the better we became at our newfound skill.

Deceiving, Lying and Stealing became a part of our normal life and we soon were able to even call ourselves professionals, as most of the underground took notice of the newcomers.

At some point in time, we had not just started stealing wallets, but began to actually plan missions, to steal from gangs of the underground.

Of course something like that wouldn't go unnoticed forever, so people started adding one and one together and realized that there was a new group of thieves in town.

We never killed anyone, but always hid under our clothes or in the shadows, so no one would be able to identify us.

Realizing it wouldn't be too good to call each other by our given names, we decided to give ourselves new names, to go by on missions.

Miu was going to be called Sparrow, and me Jaguar from then on.

Nobody knew who or what we are, as we had never failed a mission, and had never been caught before.

And we definitely don't plan to change that.

"Hey Yumi~ Yumi!"

"What is it Miu?"

"I'm hungry."


"Come on let's go get some food."

"Hey Yumi! Don't ignore me."

Watch the fake pout spread across her features; I finally decided to look up from my book.

Unbreakable Chains (K Project Fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant