Chapter 2

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Luckily Max already memorized his schedule and where all the classes are. He was able to get to take a two-day tour during the weekend so he could be prepared. He walked fast to his first period class, barely making it after the warning bell rang. He sat down quick, just making sure his new teacher wouldn't make him late. The teacher greeted his class and then said "oh yeah by the way we have a new student!" After his usual announcements. "Max" the teacher followed up with his previous statement "would you please come to the front of the class and let us get to know you?" "Of course!" Max said as he made his way to the front of the class. "Hi, as you may know I am Max Vandiver. I am 16 My hobbies are drawing, singing, playing drums, and writing music. I like to make new friends and i hate when people are bullied and when people are being bullies." Max followed up with his finishing statement "I also want to be a Veterinarian when I grow up." Max made his way to his desk. Then as soon as he sat down a tall muscular guy walked in. He went straight to Max and stated "That is my seat boy." And shoved Max out. Max said after getting up "Oh sorry, you could've just asked though." And found a new seat. The teacher proceeded to write the bully a detention note. Later after the teacher taught the class, the bell rang. Everyone except Max darted out of the classroom. The teacher said once everyone left, "Max, I am sorry about earlier this morning. I should've warned you. Its my fault you got hurt-" Max cut him off saying "don't worry teach, its okay." He kept part of his face hidden from him. As he passed the teacher, the teacher turned him around and saw Max had a black eye. Max ran off to his next class witch was luckily directly across from his previous class.

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