Chapter 9

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     It has been a week since the thing at Luke's house happened. Josh and Max are now good friends, so good of friends that Josh will defend Max.

     Max was walking to lunch. He saw Luke and Josh sitting at a lunch table so he headed that way. He was about ten feet away and neither of the two at the table noticed him. They were fighting. Max wanted to know what they were fighting about. He listened and he heard this. " Oh so when you become gay it's perfectly fine with people, yet when i told you, my brother you bullied me and helped others bully me?!?" Luke was being harsh. Josh was... Crying? Max stepped in and let them know he was near. He asked "What's wrong Josh?" Josh just laid his head down on the table, sobbing. Max asked Luke what happened and he told him he would tell him later. Max was worried about his friends arguing.
time~skip brought to you by Josh's tears•
Max was on the bus sitting next to Josh. He wanted to ask about what happened, even though he heard most of it. Josh asked him to come over and he would explain what happened. Josh got off the bus and Max got off at his stop. He already asked his aunt if he could go over. He walked in, Josh asked him to sit down on the couch. His brother was still at school, he was helping people set up tomorrows lunch. Luke is an amazing cook. Josh said "The reason I was crying was because... How i treated Luke when i found out he was gay." Max knew Luke was gay but he didn't understand why Josh got upset about that now. Max asked cautiously "why did you cry though?" Josh bit his lip. He was blushing and he didn't speak. Max asked again and this time Josh answered " because I'm gay too." Max's jaw dropped. He didn't know this, he thought Luke was over exaggerating. Josh sat down on the couch next to Max, and when he did Luke walked in.
     Luke dropped the bags he was carrying. He had tears forming in his eyes. Josh yelled "Luke it's not what you think!" Max sat there confused as Josh ran upstairs after his brother. Max could hear Luke crying from here. He didn't know what to do. He walked upstairs slowly so no-one heard. He barely pushed the door open so he could hear what they were saying. Josh was trying to comfort Luke. Max accidentally bumped the door open. Josh and Luke turned their heads at the same time. Max tried to not laugh as he asked "what's wrong Luke? Is it something i did?" Luke shook his head. He glanced at his brother and buried his face back into his pillow. Josh asked for Max to wait outside. Max patiently waited outside the door until Luke and Josh came out of Luke's bedroom. Josh looked at Max and beckoned him to follow. They all sat on the couch, there was an uncomfortable silence until Josh spoke. " Luke was upset because he thought I asked you out."  Max said "huh?" Josh said "Luke and i both like you!" Max sat there not knowing what to say. He stuttered a bit on words like 'but' and 'why' until he said "I don't even know my own sexuality."
•author's note•
Hey sorry guys this took me so long. In the middle of me writing this my friend started playing Rayman and I joined.  I hoped you enjoyed this chapter. The next chapter is dedicated to the first comment on this chapter! I will try to write two chapters today no promises!

How Could Things Go Wrong?Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum