Chapter 4

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    Max was ready for school once more. He was nervous yet excited. He didn't want to come across Josh, yet he couldn't wait to talk with Luke. He was hoping they could become good friends, maybe even best friends. He got on the bus and saw Luke immediately. He walked over and asked if he could sit there. Of course his new friend said yes. They talked about random stuff like video games and books they liked. The bus, sadly arrived at the school. Luke and Max headed to the gym. Then Josh came up. 'Oh no!' Max thought, 'what does he want now?!' This time his buddies weren't around. "So" josh sneered evilly  "is this your boyfriend?" Luke got red with rage. "He's not my boyfriend!" He shouted to where the whole gym could hear. Josh replied with "oh yeah thats right. He is your 'boy crush'" he put in air quotes, And with that he walked off. Luke, frustrated walked out of the gym and headed towards the Counselor. Max was so confused. So many questions popped into his confused mind 'was he kidding?' 'Does Luke really like me?' 'If so what should i do?' However the question that bother him the most was 'do I feel the same?'. With that the bell rang for first period.

    First period was interesting. Luke wasn't there and Josh smiled like an idiot the whole time. The teacher was going over the history of Japan. Max loved Japan, he wanted to go so bad. As Max was daydreaming of Japan the teacher finished talking about the new assignment and finished with "and whoever has the top 3 Essays gets to go to Japan!" Max couldn't believe his ears. He immediately shot up his hand. "Yes Max?" The Teacher asked. Max said a little too fast "a real ticket to Japan?" "Yes a real ticket to Japan." The teacher replied with. The class ended on that note. 

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