Chapter 8

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Luke blushed, his crush was hugging him, he had no idea what to do. He just stood there until Max let go. Seeing Max this happy made Luke happy too. Luke was about to say something but then the front door swung open. Luke and Max look at the doorway and saw none other than Josh himself. Luke said slightly irritated "what do you want Josh?" "i want Max gone." He sneered. Max started to leave when Luke grabbed his wrist. He did not want him to leave him just like his past girlfriend did because of Josh. Josh said "why don't you just let your boyfriend go home and cry to his mommy." Then something nobody expected happened. Max hit Josh, hard.
Max looked at Josh passed out with a bloody nose. Luke stared at him in amusement. He has never seen someone who stood up to Josh. Max started to say something but Luke asked "why did you hit him?" Not mad at all just in a curious way. Max told him to sit down and listen carefully. Max started with "when i was a kid" he started to show hesitation, but he continued "my mom was driving home from 'work' i always knew she was out drinking. She was driving and a car was coming and she didn't see it and she tried to dodge it and she drove off a bridge into the sea and then a shark ate her because she was trying to swim to shore." Luke had tears in his eyes. He didn't know what to say so Max said something to lighten the mood. "Im not too shore what happened afterwards, but i was able to sea her at the funeral." Luke looked at Max. He realized that no matter what he would try to lighten the mood. Josh started to wake up. He was whining about his nose. He woke up looked at Max and did something no one expected. He reached for his hand and apologized.
Authors note•
Hey people i hoped you enjoyed the chapter. I will try to write more later today, anyways sorry this chapter was sad. I just thought that it would go good in the story. But still, please like and share! Also check out my YouTube channel. Its called Aebexlassy. Have a good night/day.

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