Chapter 5

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     Max couldn't sleep. He tossed and turned, yet to no avail could not succumb to slumber. He couldn't stop thinking about today, questions so many questions poured into his mind, just like earlier one stuck out the most. 'Do i feel the same way?" Even though it might have just been Josh teasing his younger brother, he could not shake the feeling it might be true. He stared at his dark ceiling. It was late. He knew it would be hard waking up as early as he had to, but still he couldn't sleep. He just laid down, looked up, and pondered until he dozed off into a deep sleep.
       Max woke up the next morning and  just as he thought he wasn't ready to get up. Tired and aching He got on the bus like usual. However Luke wasn't on the bus. So he sat alone. He missed his friend, and wished he would come back to school. He got to school and he started to feel queasy. He declined the idea of going to the nurses office just yet. He wanted to at least try to make it until lunch. The bell rang for first period and he walked into the classroom doorway. He took a step inside the classroom and everything went dark. Max passed out. Max, passed out in the nurses office had a fever and a cold. The nurse tried contacting his parents but they were both busy. So Max stayed in the nurses office.
     When Max woke up he was startled. Luke was right above him staring at him. Not on him but from the side of the bed thing. Max tried to get up but he wasn't able to. He was too weak, dehydration and his cold along with the fever all kicked in at once. Poor Max was passed out cold until lunch. He was starving. He asked the nurse politely if he could get some lunch, so the nurse sent Luke to go get him something to eat from the cafeteria. Max got the courage to ask "why was Luke in here?" The nurse was obviously annoyed with his oblivious nature. She said as polite as possible "he is your friend right? Friends are supposed to be there for each other." Luke got back, he was holding his lunchbox in one hand and a food tray in the other. He handed Max the lunchbox. "I don't want it. You can have it." Max asked the nurse if she could leave for just a moment. She left the room and for a second there was awkward silence. Max finally got the courage to ask Luke what had been bugging him almost as much as his main question. He asked "Is what Josh said true?" Luke got up and left the room.    

Authors note-
Hey guys i hope you liked this chapter. My friends inspired me
(Forced me) to write another chapter.
So anyways sorry if i update too much, i get bored. Please share this with your friends!

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