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This is some important information you should know about before you read this Fanfiction. Please read before you keep going. This story is in Graces point of view by the way! Thanks for your support!

1. In this story Emma and Will are parents, I realize they aren't together for a while in the show but they have a daughter in this story.

2. Emma and Will when the story begins are married and have been for a while.

3. Mrs.Corcoran has two daughters Rachel and Rebecca(Becca). Rachel and Rebecca are sisters.

4. Kurt goes to school at McKinley in this story.

5. Kurt is NOT gay in this story. I don't have anything against him being gay but he is the love interest in the story.

6. Blaine is part of The New Directions.

7. Will and Emma know Grace  is their daughter but don't say anything.

8. Rachel and Rebecca don't know that they are sisters.

9. Grace and Rebecca call each other sisters but they really aren't, they are just best friends who grew up together.


Stay Gold!!!

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