Chapter Ten

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A/N:Updating every current,ongoing book for a Christmas/Hankkuah/Kwanza present. Thanks for a great year everyone!!!

Grace's POV

I awoke in my next bed at my new house which I had just barely gotten to,a few days before. I liked being able to live with my real parents aka Emma Pillsbury and William Schuester. I missed the Corcocans a lot but I was enjoying this new place. I was even trying out William McKinley High for a few days so if I wanted to transfer I could,and I figured I personally would want to transfer because a lot of reasons I had kept to myself. Some were more obvious then others though. I hopped out of my new bed and opened the closet which was already stocked with all of my clothes that I currently owned. Mr.Schuester I mean my dad was really helpful with me,moving in. I went though all of my closet,and ended up pulling out an outfit which was made up of a musical theatre quote shirt paired with semi-ripped jeans,a black fedora Kurt had bought me,and my favorite pair of converse which were black with wore out,old white laces. I went into my private bathroom,and got dressed as well as brushed my teeth. I headed downstairs happily and ready for a new day.

"Good morning Grace."My father told me happily,smiling at me. I tipped my fedora,and said "Morning." in reply. My father chuckled,and finished getting ready. My mother came into the kitchen where we currently were and was finishing up breakfast as we speak. After around ten minutes, I was passed a rather full plate of scrambled eggs,bacon,sausage and some miniature pancakes. I ate it all up only leaving a tad bit of syrup on the large plate,and I put it in the sink washing it off a bit afterwards. "We ready to go?"I asked my parents who had just down the same as me after their food. My father nodded,holding a travel coffee mug and my mother nodded in agreement. "Great."I replied smiling as we entered the garage,and got into my fathers car.

As soon as I entered the school,my mother waved me goodbye as she headed to "her room" and my father hugged me before heading to his Spanish classroom. I was meeting up with Kurt and a few others from Glee. Kurt showed up happily,along with quarterback Finn Hudson,head Cheerio Quinn Fabray,Quinn's best friend Brittany S. Pierce and Santana Lopez,and lastly glee clubs golden star Rachel Berry. I smiled slightly at all of them. Kurt,Finn and Rachel took me to my "first class" along with them after I talked to what seemed to be called The Unholy Trinity. School went by quickly since I had Kurt and the others by my side. Kurt and I were walking hand in hand,into the choir room for glee practice which I was to attend and watch. An older football player emerged out of nowhere,and was holding a rather large cup. He dumped slushee on to both Kurt and I....

True Love, Singing, and FamilyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora