Chapter Four:

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We were at Vocal Adrenaline rehearsal the next day. We were practing for sectionals. We were working on Breaking Free,Stitches and Rehab. Jesse and Becca were working on Breaking Free and I was singing backup with Vocal Adrenaline trying to have fun. I was still singing but I was bored and not trying as hard as usual. I think Becca noticed. Singing with Kurt and the  New Directions gave me a rush and this really did not. After they finished Breaking Free and we're about to move on to Stitches(by Shawn Mendes) when the two of them came over to me.  "Hey Becca,idiot." I said sternly to the two of them. "What's up with you? Singing for you is amazing but with this practice you're sucking like The Warblers and New Directions." said Becca and Jesse laughed. "Why do you torment them so much?" I practically shouted at Becca. Jesse took a step back. "Because they are TERRIBLE and we are their  competion!" answered Becca emphasizing the terrible part. "What do you mean Becca? Does that mean I'm terrible becuase you compare me to them and I like them. I think they are talented like we are. Sometimes they are even better!" I shouted annoyed. "I never said that but clearly you care about those stupid new directions!" answered Becca and Jesse said, "Maybe you should be with them!" Becca nodded and laughed at his comment. What did she see in him? "Maybe I should!" I shouted kicking Jesse in the groin and storming out of Vocal Adrenalines practice area. I went home and I called Kurt. I was almost in tears when he picked up the phone and said,"Hey Grace." I heard his voice and it made me feel a bit better. "Hey Kurt." I mumbled trying not to cry. "What's wrong babe?" asked Kurt sweetly. "Everything." I said before pouring out the whole story to him. " Why don't you come over and hang with Finn and I?" he asked after laughing about me kicking Jesse. I told I would be right there. I grabbed my jean jacket and car keys and headed to the Hummel-Hudson house.

True Love, Singing, and FamilyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora