►Chapter Five◄

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It's doubtful to me that being chased by two guys taller, stronger, and faster than you during the depths of the night would be on anyone's To-Do List, but then again I don't know anyone outside of South Park and from what I hear there's a wide variety of people out there. Someone could love the adrenaline rush that comes with being closely followed in such a way; strange to me but completely normal to them. We're not taking a look into the life of someone completely different than me, and so in my world it was a terrifying experience. Stan and Kyle were starting to close the distance between themselves and I, but I kept taking random and sharp turns that would catch them off guard.

Kyle Broflovski was South Park's star basketball player. He was having no trouble keeping up with me, but Stan was a little less athletic - especially with the unhealthy drinking habits he was picking up again. So I exploited the situation for everything it was worth, and jumped over someone's picket fence. Halfway through said person's yard, I glanced back nervously. Stan must've gotten caught in the fence and fell to the ground and naturally Kyle stopped to help him out. Turning back around, I jumped over the other end of the fence and rounded back to the main street, gasping for air.

Maybe I should start participating more in P.E.

After resting for a few minutes in the shadows, I took one last deep breath before making my way back home. Determined strides carried me to my house, which was still and unlit. I sighed to myself and slipped the mask off before walking up to the door and silently unlocking it. In times like these it always seemed to me as if every little noise and creak were ten times louder than they actually were, and while in all actuality they most likely wouldn't have woken my parents up, the fact that it was still a possibility kept that fear existing. Sighing, I took off my coat and hung it on the rack before climbing up the stairs to my room.

Once I was sure I was safe from my parents somehow waking up, I dropped my duffel bag to the floor and threw my mask under the bed. The relaxed state I had been in while changing into my pajamas were short-lived, and disappeared immediately after I realized that there was a tear on the side of the bag. Panicking, I checked to make sure that everything was still in there. The only thing that I could make out that was missing was my sketchbook..


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"Then the porch light turned on and we had to get out of there before we got caught trespassing!" Kyle explained, glancing at Stan before turning back to his friends. I sat on the bus seat behind Eric and Kenny, and in front of them were Stan and Kyle who had turned around in their seats to talk to the other two. I was sitting next to Token who was looking down at his phone. As for me, I was staring out the window and trying not to fall asleep after my late night adventure. I was surprised that they didn't seem in the slightest bit tired.

I imagined Eric rolling his eye as he responded. "That's fucking great, guys!" he exclaimed, sarcasm practically dripping from his words. "But did you find out anything about this guy?!"

"Uh, they were blonde," Stan recalled. I held in my breath at the sound of the vague description.

"No way dude, they had brown hair!" Kyle countered. A sigh of relief escaped my lips and I closed my eyes for a moment before opening them back up and looking ahead of me toward them.

"Oh my god!" Eric shouted, groaning in aggravation and slumping his head back dramatically.

Exchanging glances, Kyle and Stan then narrowed their eyes at Eric. "What the hell are you complaining about, fat boy?!"

"Yeah, where even were you last night?" Stan chimed in.

Lifting his head up, I could tell by the motioning of his body that Eric had just crossed his arms and was no doubt glaring right back at the two. "For your information, I was setting up cameras!"

Oh geez, this was not going to end well for me!

"You.. what?" Stan asked, looking shocked.

Skeptically, Kyle examined Eric. "Yeah? Where'd you get the money for that?"

"I'm a fucking business man, don't question me you fag!" shouted Eric, causing a few pairs of eyes to land upon them.

Shaking his head, Stan turned to Kenny. "So, did you find anything last night?" he asked. So, Kenny really was looking around? I hope he didn't see me.. That would be incredibly awkward and I'm not sure how I'd respond if he confronted me..

I watched as Kenny shifted in his seat, bending down before sitting back and handing Stan a sketchbook.. My sketchbook. "They dropped that and a couple of spray cans on the main road. I don't know where they went from there, though."

"Whoa, good job dude!" Stan grinned as he flipped through the pages. Honestly, I felt like crying. Nothing in there could give away my identity, but it contained every artistic burst of inspiration that came to me. Every rough draft of every graffiti artwork I had ever done, which admittedly wasn't as much as you'd probably think.

Kyle peered over Stan's shoulder at the sketches and blinked. "What made you think of going down that road in the first place?" he asked, glancing up at Kenny with slight suspicion. "There's nothing there aside from houses that the person could vandalize." The bus came to a stop in front of the school and I couldn't help but smile.

"Ken's pretty smart!" I told him, leaning toward their seats. They all turned to face me and I felt my face heat up at their stares. Especially Kenny's beautiful gaze..

My state of paralysis was soon wiped away by the disgusted look coming from Eric Cartman. "How many goddamn times do I have to tell you to shut the fuck up and stay out of other people's business?!" he shouted at me, clearly unhappy with my decision to plunge myself into their conversation.

"Oh, sorry buddy! I just couldn't really help but listen in!" I smiled awkwardly, standing up just as everyone else did to pile out of the vehicle.

"Whatever," he grumbled in response, pushing past Kenny and stomping out. Kyle, Stan, and Kenny followed after him, leaving me to feel downright awful about myself. Token gave me a sympathetic look, but got off the bus as well.

You're not helping yourself.

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