George x Reader: Baby Shoes

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Hello lovelies! So new book, again... Well i hope this one get's warm welcoming like all my other books :3 Anyways let's get started!


You woke up in your and George's bed, alone. "Again?" You looked next to you only to find empty space. You got up so that you were now sitting in the bed with your back against the wall. "Why does he always leave me in the mornings?" You put your hand on top of your lower stomach and smiled little. "How on earth can i tell your daddy that i'm pregnant when he doesn't even have time to say good morning to me?"

You got up from the bed and walked to the kitchen. As you arrive to the room you notice a note on the table.

"Morning love!

I had to leave early today too, sorry! The shop has been really busy these days and Fred got an awesome idea yesterday. A FAKE FLYING CARPET!! Isn't that awesome? Well anyways, don't wait for me at the evening. It's going to be long day again.

PS. There is breakfast in the fridge and i made coffee, it's in the pan!

With love, your Georgie!"


"What the heck is with the fake flying carpet?" You walked to the fridge and took the breakfast out from there. It was fried eggs and bacon. "Well at least he knows what i like." You ate and then you went to change your clothes. When you got ready you decided to go see Fred and George at the shop. It wasn't that hard to go there, after all your house was right next to the shop. It actually made you little bit sad, to think that George worked so close to you and still you didn't see him that often.

"Hello!" You stepped in the shop and looked around. "Hello and welcome to- Oh hi (Y/n), came to see George?" You turned to look at Fred and smiled. "Yeah i have something to tell him, where is he by the way?" Fred pointed at the backroom, upstairs. "Okay thanks!" You walked there only to find George looking at some papers. "Hi love, what are you looking at?" He turned to look at you little surprised but smiled then. "Nothing much, just some bills, but what are you doing here?" He walked over to you and put his arms to your waist. He leaned in and planted soft kiss on your lips. "Missed you, and i have something to tell you." He smirked little. "Missed me already? You really can't keep your hands off of me, now can you?" You giggled little and leaned in for little kiss. "No i can't, but is there something wrong with that?" He smirked again and shook his head. "I can't keep mine away from you ether."

You both just stood there for little while, looking at each other and kissing. "No but really i have something important to tell you. So you HAVE to come home early today, promise me?" He thought for little while and nodded then. "Okay, i'll be home at six." You smiled and kissed his nose. "Thanks love! I'll go do little shopping, so i wont be home for couple hours." He nodded and you left the room. "You were awful longtime over there, did you make sure you cleaned everything after you!" Fred smirked at the stairs. "Oh believe me, we did really good job!" You laughed and walked to the door. "Bye (Y/n)!" You raised your hand and waved. "By Freddie!"

You checked that you had your keys and wallet with you, and then you headed to a shop that was going to become really well known for you. It was shop full of baby stuff, like clothes, shoes and nursery stuff. But you didn't need to find all that. What you needed was small shoes. You looked through all the stuff there was and finally found little, brown ones. "So cuuute!" The shoes looked just like George's work suit's shoes. You just had to buy them. Of course you didn't still know the gender of the baby, but you liked the idea of little George running around the house with his father.

When you got out of the shop, you looked at the clock. "5.30 pm already? I have to hurry to get everything ready." You walked home as fast as you could and put everything to their places. You went to sit next to the kitchen's table. You heard how the door opened. "Honey! I'm home!!" You ran to George and hugged him. "Welcome home! Okay so now look closely around you." He looked at you for little while but started then looking around. "What do you find different from our house?" George smiled and looked around. "I don't get it, what should i noti- Wait a minute, are those what i think they are?" You started to smile little. "What do you think they are?" He was looking at the little shoes that were next to the clothes stand.

"Are those baby shoes?" You nodded and he smiled little, but then his smile got bigger and he looked at you. "Wait! No way! Really?! Am i going to be a dad?!" You giggled and tears started to roll down your face, as you nodded to him. He hugged you tight and gave you passionate kiss. "Oh my GOD! i can't believe it! I'm going to be a dad! We're going to be parents." You giggled and kissed his nose. "And i'm going to be mommy!" He hugged you tightly again. "When did you get to know?" You took his hand and pressed it on your lower stomach. "About a week ago, but you have been so busy that i haven't had time to tell you." He smiled as his hand touched your stomach. "I can't believe it! But are you sure?" You nodded.

"Yeah i visited doctor couple days ago, and we're already in 8th week." His eyes widened and he turned to look at your stomach. Then he leaned in and kissed it. "I can't wait to meet you." You smiled and caressed George's hair. Then he got up and looked into your (e/c) eyes. "And you, i love you so much..." He smiled and leaned in, giving you sweet kiss. When you parted you smiled. "I love you too Georgie. Now, you want to tell Fred, don't you?" He laughed and ran out of the door, but came back as quickly as he had ran out, kissed your cheek and smiled. "I'll be back soon!" And then he ran outside again shouting at the streets, about that how he was going to be dad.

And if you listened really closely, soon you could hear another voice shouting how he was going to be an uncle.


There you go my lovelies! I hope you liked my first Harry Potter imagine! It was slightly longer than what it was supposed to be, but i liked to write this one :3 Anyway, i love you all and byeee! ~Janttu

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