Neville x Reader: Bugger Off, Will You?

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Hello lovelies! So time for Neville and hope you like it!


Third Person P.O.V.

You were running around the halls, trying to find place to hide into. It was quiet normal thing for you to do, on every lunch break. Ever since your first year, you had been running from Malfoy and his little crew. You couldn't actually even remember why he had started picking on you. After all it had been going on for five years already. And it wasn't that you were alone, you did have friends, amazing ones to that. Harry, Ron, Hermione and Neville were always there for you, but they couldn't always literally walk beside you. 

Those were the moments, where Draco would always find a way to come and tease you, or laugh at something you did. So it had became a habit of yours, hiding when you knew Malfoy would be going to the dining hall. You had actually found a small door, which lead to this very tiny room. You had made it your own, brought some of your books and blankets there. You liked to think of it as the only place that you could truly feel at ease. So there you were reading your favorite book, when you heard the familiar laugh of the blond boy. 

You took deep breath and held it in, as you heard the steps going past you. When you were sure he was far enough, you let the breath out. "Thank god, why does it have to be me?" You opened the door and looked outside carefully, before stepping out. You closed the door and used hiding spell on it, making sure that no one else found your place. You then started heading towards the dining hall yourself. When you got there you walked over to Ron, Harry and Hermione. "Hey guys! Where's Neville?" You smiled at the three as they turned to look at you. "Hey (Y/n), where were you again?" Hermione looked at you concerned. 

"I was just in my room, reading some book and didn't really realize how much the clock was until little while ago." You smiled, trying to assure her. Hermione looked at you little while before Ron spoke up. "Oh and we haven't really seen Neville yet." You sat next to Harry and nodded. "Okay, i guess he'll be here soon then." You four continued your talk, and after some time you heard familiar voice calling for you all. You turned to look towards the door and saw Neville walking over to you four. "Hey Neville." You blushed little as he flashed that signature smile to you. 

"Hey (Y/n), did you get caught up by some book again?" He chuckled little as the blush on your cheeks darkened and you smiled to him softly, nodding your head. "Yeah, i kind of did." He smiled to you, before Hermione got up from her seat and looked at you. "(Y/n), i need to talk to you." You looked at her surprised by the sudden act, but obeyed and got up from the table. "We'll come back soon." Smiling you then turned to Hermione and followed her. "What's wrong?" She looked at you, for little while before hugging you. "It still happens, doesn't it?" You were surprised once again, but hugged her back. "What still happens?" She looked into your eyes and you realized. "Oh, Malfoy.... yeah.. kind of."

She hugged you again, tighter this time and you could feel the tears forming to your eyes. You hugged her and let the tears fall. The first time you ever told anyone about Malfoy bullying you, was to Hermione, since she was the same as you. Like her parents, yours too, were muggles. But that had been on your second year, after that you really didn't talk about it too much, not wanting to worry Hermione or the others. So you stayed quiet. "Shhh, it's okay, let it all just out." For little while you two just stayed there, holding each other, and when you felt that you had calmed down you looked up at her. "Thank you, i really needed that." 

Hermione smiled to you and you giggled little. "I look horrible, don't i?" She only smiled softly. "If you want to go to the common room, i can get you some food before we leave and bring it to you, so you can go rest for little while." You wiped your eyes and nodded your head. "Yeah, i think that would be the best." You started walking towards the Gryffindor common room. (Sorry if you belong to another house, just go with this for now.)

"Hey mudblood! Where do you think you're going?" You felt your chest tighten as you heard the all too familiar voice call from behind you. You tried to fasten your speed, but Malfoy noticed that and ran to you. He pushed you against the wall and looked at you like you were something, that didn't deserve to be there. "Why are you even here? Haven't i made it clear that you're not wanted in here?" He punched the wall and pinned you closer to it, making tears appear to your eyes. "I-i'm sorry, i'll leave now... just let me go..." He started laughing and looked at you and the group around the two of you laughed too. 

"Hey Malfoy!" He turned to look at the person who had said something, only to be met by their fist on his face. "Ou! What the hell?" Draco looked at the person who had hit him, and you got the chance to see them too. Neville was standing there, his hand bloody by now Malfoy's bleeding nose. "Leave her alone!" Draco looked at Neville, fear and anger clear in his eyes. "My father will hear about this!" Neville let out a little laugh and looked down at Malfoy. "Bugger off, will you?" With that the group of Slytherins ran away. You looked as they ran, before you turned your attention towards your savior. 

"Oh god i can't believe i did that, he's father is going to kill me. Oh god, i'm going to die-" You walked over to him and pulled him down, kissing him. At first Neville didn't know what to do, but then he closed his eyes and wrapped his arms around you. You smiled and wrapped your arms around his neck, bringing him even closer to you. You then broke the kiss, looking into his green eyes. "Thank you." You felt your cheeks warming up as you looked at his goofy smile. "Neville, are you alright." He then pecked your lips quickly, before smiling even wider. "You have no idea how long i've dreamed of that." 

Giggling you shook your head and took his hand into yours, about to start walking towards the dining hall, but Neville didn't move. "Umm, (Y/n), I was wondering if you would like to become my girlfriend?" Blushing little you smiled and raised the hand that held his. "Well i kind of already considered myself as one." Smiling he pecked you lips and you two walked back to the dining hall.


There you go lovelies! Hope you liked it! And i would actually like to know what house do you belong into? I myself am Hufflepuff. Anyways as always i love you all and byee!

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