Fred x Reader: Memories

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Hello lovelies!I know i said i wouldn't publish, and i know this is wrong day for Harry Potter stuff, BUT i had to! I got this idea, and after long time, i actually thought it was a good one so i hope you like it and I got only one thing for you all, FEELS WARNING!


Third Person P.O.V.

You were sitting in your swing chair, just looking through the window. Watching as the fall's soft wind played with the leaves of the trees, making them swing in this beautiful dance. It was a little cloudy weather, like this when your husband had asked you to become his. Small smile appeared to your lips as you remembered back to the day.

~~Flashback to sixth year~~

You were lying on grass, at the black lake, just listening to the leaves, as wind moved them. You had always loved the sounds of nature and mostly you spend your time at the said place. From among the noises of nature, you heard footsteps coming closer you. Suddenly you felt your head being lifted up, and put back down, only to find someones thigh under it. Slowly you opened your eyes and looked at the person, who had disturbed your peaceful moment, almost already knowing the answer. Wide smile appeared on your face, as you were met with this long, ginger haired boy, looking down at you with the same kind of smile.

His beautiful chocolate brown eyes looking into your (e/c) ones. "Hello there, Fred." He smiled even wider and raised his eyebrows. "Well, hello there (Y/n), listening to the wind's whispering again? Seriously, you listen to it more than your best friend." He faked being hurt and raised his hand to his chest, while gasping dramatically. "Well, if you didn't always talk about pranking someone, i might even listen to you." You Showed him your tongue, before bursting out into giggles. He looked at you for little while, smile spreading on his lips.

He then leaned down, and shut your mouth, capturing it into sweet kiss. You smiled into the kiss and started to get up, never braking the kiss. Sitting to his lap, and wrapping your legs around his waist. Fred moved his hands to rest on your hips, as yours tangled into his long hair. Fred then raised his right hand to cup your face, before he broke the kiss. Panting softly, he leaned his forehead against yours, his eyes looking into yours. There weren't many times that you've seen him that serious, but you loved it. "(Y/n), will you become mine by being my girlfriend?" His voice being just little above whisper, so that you could hear him.

Your eyes shining, you smiled and nodded, answering just as quietly, as if you both were scared to raise your voices. "Yes." Fred broke into this huge smile, before he leaned closer again, capturing you lips into more passionate kiss.

~~End of Flashback~~

Same smile still playing on your lips, as you looked outside, only to see little bit of sun shining through the clouds. The light came through the windows and landed on your hand, making the old and worn wedding ring shine lightly. You raised your left hand, rolling the ring in your ring finger with your other hand. You could remember your wedding day clearly and another memory rolled to your thoughts.

~~Flashback to June, 1997~~

You were sitting in the table with your now husband, Fred. The whole family had been invited to celebrate your wedding, and right now you were listening to George's wedding speech, eyes watering from the beautiful words and laughter. "I wish everything good, for you two, Fred and (Y/n)." He raised his glass, and everyone repeated the motion. "For the couple!" Everyone cheered and George was about to sit down, when he remembered something. "Oh yeah! You two better give me niece or nephew soon!" Everyone roared into laughter once again, and George sat down.

Fred leaned in and kissed your lips before he clinked his glass and got up, firstly looking at the people around the two of you. "First of all i want to thank you all for coming to celebrate our day. This day has been the best day of my life by far and i hope it continues that way too." He then turned to look at you. "When i first laid my eyes on this beauty right here, i knew i wanted to get to know her, and when i got to do that, i fell in love right away." You smiled up at him, as you listened. "When i asked her to be my girlfriend, she said yes, i felt like the luckiest person who ever lived." He then chuckled little, trying to hold the tears. "And when she stayed with me, when i was at the bottom, i knew that she's the one i want to marry. And here we are, I love you (Y/n)."

You jumped up from your seat, tears running down your cheeks as you wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him. Fred wrapped his arms around you, pulling you closer, tears also, slowly falling down his cheeks. "I love you too." You whispered as the crowd cheered. Smiling he kissed you again, and the two of you could hear George at the background going. "You two are so cute!"

~~Flashback ends~~

Small tear rolled down your cheek as you thought of him, thinking back to the day. You then looked towards a mirror, seeing your gray (h/l) hair, you smiled softly. Next to the mirror there were picture of young Fred and then another picture, with you and little boy and girl. The boy had Fred's hair and (e/c) eyes, when the girl had your hair color and Fred's beautiful chocolate brown eyes. Another memory flashed to your mind, making tears raise to your eyes.

~~Flashback to 2. May, 1998~~

You walked through the battle field, holding your swollen stomach, as you looked at your old school, eyes watering at the scene in front of you. You walked through the corridors, searching for someone who could tell you where you were going to find even one of your family members. As you walked, your eyes found this door that wasn't completely closed and you walked in, seeing all the wounded and dead people lying on the floor.

As your eyes scanned through the room, they found Molly and the rest of the family. You noticed that something was wrong and started walking towards them, trying to hold the tears, as you got next to them. Molly turned to look at you and hugged you as tight as she could, apologizing over and over again. You moved your eyes and turned to look at the person lying on the ground. The same second you saw it was Fred you broke down, falling to your knees. You scooped him to your arms, hugging him close to your chest and screamed. George walked over to you and hugged you tight, while you were still holding Fred's cold body.

Not either one of you daring to move away from you, the rest of the family left the two of you there, telling you that they let you tell your goodbyes.

~~End of flashback~~

Tears now streaming down your cheeks you raised your hand and wiped them away. For little while, you just sat there in your chair, thinking about that how you missed him. Even after 60 years, you never fell in love again, and Fred never left your mind. Always staying with you, watching as your children grew, and even got own children. As you thought of him, you started feeling yourself getting tired and you closed your eyes. You felt your breathing growing heavier and heavier with each breath, when suddenly you just didn't have strength to draw another one.

You kept your eyes closed and warm feeling took over you. You opened your eyes and looked around. You were in some kind of cottage, sitting in front of a fireplace. You got up and walked over to a mirror, seeing yourself as you were when you were only 20 years old. Your (e/c) eyes, shining like they used to, and your (h/c), (h/l) hair beautiful like it used to be. Suddenly a person appeared behind you, so that you saw him through the mirror. Big smile grew to your lips and you turned around. Running to the man, before jumping and wrapping your legs around his waist. Smiling he wrapped his arms around you, before capturing your lips with his and kissing you with such need and love.

When the two of you broke the kiss, he looked into your eyes. "I'm so sorry, i should have been more careful, yo-" You cut him off by kissing him sweetly. "It's alright, we're together now, and nothing can take us from each other, not even death." Smiling he kissed you again. "I missed you so much, (Y/n)." Smiling with tear filled eyes, you pressed your forehead against his, you whispered. "I missed you too, Fred."


You didn't need your heart now did you? Good, me neither. Anyways i hope you liked this one and as always i love you all, and byeee!

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