Sirius x Reader: Stray Dog

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Hello lovelies! So Harry Potter Tuesdays are back! Hope you enjoy and let's get started!


Third Person P.O.V. 

You were walking home from work, on a cold winter evening. You looked up towards the sky, smiling slightly as you saw tiny snowflakes falling down softly. You had had a quiet rough day at work, and it was all starting to go down right then and there. It wasn't easy working right next to your ex, especially when you had dark past with them. 

You had really unhealthy relationship with him and you were more than glad to have gotten away from him. Still, you worked at a coffee shop, and he was regular there. None of your friends or family knew how he had treated you, since he always seemed so caring and lovely when the two of you were with other people. It all happened when you two were alone. He would hit you, shout at you, tell you how worthless you were. Sometimes he even blamed the beating on you, telling that he had to do it because you had done something. 

You also knew that, more he complimented you in front of others, the worse it would be when you got alone. The worst days would be the ones where he would beat you so bad, you couldn't stand or eat properly for couple days. But he was careful with what he did, never did he hit you in a place that would show to others. He always made sure that the marks weren't visible to others. Last time he beat you, and told you that if you wouldn't start behaving better, he would end you. 

That had been the time that you decided to leave. You couldn't take it anymore, even thought there was still this small hope within you. All this time you stayed, because you wanted to think that he would change, that he would stop it one day. But that never happened, so you decided to get a small apartment and move away. Now it had been three months, since the night you left him. Christmas was getting closer and you were more than happy to be able to spend it in freedom, after four rough years. 

You took deep breath and closed your eyes, still holding your face towards the sky. Small, silent tears escaped your eyes, as shaky sigh left your lips. Suddenly your train of thoughts was interrupted, when bush next to you started rustling and you heard slight whimpering. You opened your eyes and turned to look towards the bush. Slowly, you started walking closer to it, till your eyes spotted this big, black dog. "Hey there, buddy." Small smile found it's way to your lips, as you kneeled down, next to the dog. "What's wrong?" 

The dog got up from the ground and tried to step closer to you, when it winched. You looked at it's leg, noticing that it didn't step on it properly. "Ou, look at your leg. That looks painful." You muttered to the dog, before turning to look into it's eyes.  That's when you stopped, you stayed there, looking into it's eyes, clearly amazed. "You have beautiful eyes." You then realized that you got lost into a dog's eyes. You must really be tired. You shook our head and got closer to the dog. 

"Okay, buddy. I'm going to take you home, so please don't bite me." You spoke softly, as you lifted the dog to your arms. You then got up and started walking towards your own apartment. Luckily you lived close to the spot you were at right now, so you didn't need to carry the dog for long. When you got home, you carried to dog to your bathroom. "Alright, first of all, we're going to wash you properly." You giggled as the dog's ears went down after you mentioned shower. 

For that evening you, you washed him, gave him food and made him a little bed on the floor, next to yours. Though he didn't use the bed, he just snuggled next to you.


It had been some weeks, since you had found your little Blackie. Yes, you named the dog Blackie. But in that time you had completely fallen in love with the dog. He made you feel safe and he listened to your feelings. You actually could have sworn that he looked genuinely sad when you showed the scars your ex had made, to him. You had had bad day at work again, and when you got home, you hugged Blackie and cried. 

It never had stopped amazing you how human like the dog acted in some situations. Like back then, it just stood there, letting you cry till you felt little better. After that it licked your cheek and nudged you with his head, making you smile slightly. Later that night you had showed the scars on your stomach and back, only to be surprised by the same dog again. Blackie had got up and started licking your scars, like he was trying to make them stop hurting, even though there wasn't physical pain anymore. 

It was Saturday evening and you were sitting on your couch, watching your (f/tv/s), while Blackie laid next to you, holding his head on your lap. You were softly sliding your hand along his slightly rough fur, when you heard the door bell ringing. You got up and walked over to the door, and opened it slightly, looking who it could be. When you saw who it was, your eyes widened and your face went pale. "Matt, what are you doing here?" He smirked little as he looked at your pale face. "Oh sweetheart, i came to get you home. We both know that you don't do too well without me." 

Your eyes widened as you heard his words. "I- i'm sorry, what?! You beat me and threatened to kill me. Why would i need you?" All this time away from him had made you stronger and at the same time as you were scared of him, you also felt more powerful than before. "What did you say you bitch?!" He growled and started walking closer to you, making you back away. "Stop! MATT! Leave me alone!" He smirked. "Oh, i don't think so, there's no one else out there who would care for you." You felt the tears appearing to your eyes, as the little amount of confidence faded from your body.

Suddenly two strong arms wrapped around you from behind, and your back was pulled to someones warm chest. "I'm sorry, but i don't like you calling my girl like that." Gruff voice spoke up, making you freeze completely. You turned around and saw this curly haired man. He looked at your ex with really bitter expression. Matt looked really confused and little by little he turned into angrier. "What the fuck? You bitch, you have someone else already?!" You weren't sure what was happening but decided to go with it. "Yes, he's been taking care of me, since you never did!" 

Matt was about to come over and take hold of your hand, when the man swung you behind himself, and punched Matt. "Leave. Now." He looked straight into Matt's eyes, and the color left the guys face. Matt started packing away and left with loud huff. You then turned to look at the man in front of you, eyes wide. "Who are you?" He turned to look at your eyes and you realized. "Blackie?" You loved Blackie's eyes and there was no way you would be mistaking them to someone else's. He nodded slightly, before stepping closer and pulling you into hug. "He didn't hurt you, did he?" 

You smiled softly, now you understood why he was so human like. "No he didn't, but would you mind explaining all this." You pointed at him, with tiny smile playing on your lips. He chuckled little and nodded, before taking your hand and leading you towards the couch. He told you everything. Like how he was wizard and that he could turn into a dog, and that his real name was Sirius Black. This made you giggle little, when you realized that Blackie wasn't too far from his real name. 

He had this amazing smile blasting on his lips, as he looked at your face. Suddenly he cupped your cheek and leaned closer, before landing his lips on yours. Your eyes widened in surprise at first, but before you knew it, you closed your eyes and kissed him back, making him smile into the kiss. "I know this might be weird to hear, but i think that i'm falling for you." You blushed little, after the two of you broke the kiss. He chuckled and pecked your lips. "I fell for you the moment you walked over to me and carried me to your home." 

Smiling softly at each other, the two of you leaned in one more time, closing the space between the two of you. 


There you go, this was little longer than what i expected. 0.0

Anyways, as always i love you all and byee!

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