Bad Tea

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Hey, folks! I have another riddle for you! I actually got this one right, so I'm very happy right now!

Two girls had dinner together. They both ordered iced tea. One girl drank them very fast, and drank five in the time that it took the other girl to drink one. Turns out that the tea was poisoned. The girl that drank one tea died, while the other girl survived.

How did she live?


The riddle has been answered! Congrats to StarDustedBeauty ! Th answer was the letter X. It's 24th in the alphabet, XX is the Roman numeral 20, and XXX is a movie rating for mature or dirty.

Dang, StarDustedBeauty . You are good at this! Well, everybody who gets one of these riddles is good. Hopefully, I can find some more really great riddles!

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