Double Jeopardy!

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Hey folks! I know, it's been to long. I've missed this book.
Since it's been so long since I updated, here are two, yes TWO, riddles for y'all!
Go crazy.

What time is it when your fence gets destroyed?

If you toss me out the window, you will leave a grieving wife, but if you bring me back through the door, you'll see someone giving life. What am I?


The previous riddle's answer (this one's long, bear with me):
ONE time!! How, you ask?
Take 1 diamond from the first bag, 2 from the second, 3 from the third, etc. You end up with 15 diamonds. Each real diamond weighs 1 ounce, so if all bags were real you'd have 15 ounces on the scale. Since one bag is fake, you don't have 15 ounces. Here's the kicker, you ready?
Since the fake diamonds weigh .1 ounces LESS THAN a real diamond, aka .9 ounces, however much LESS THAN 15 ounces the scale reads is the answer. Example: if the second bag was the one with fake diamonds, the scale would read 14.8 ounces, .2 ounces BELOW 15 ounces, so there are TWO fakes on the scale. Two fakes and they have to be from the same bag, so bag 2 since we took 2 diamonds from that bag.

Emberheart2210 got it first! M'dear, you are brilliant. Congrats!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2018 ⏰

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