Four guys, three fish

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Hey guys!!! Sorry I haven't updated in so long. I've been busy writing my other stuff. But here's a nice riddle from CrystalGems_FNAF . Thanks again!

Two fathers and two sons went fishing. They each caught one fish. None of the fish went missing, but when they got home, they only had three fish.
How is this possible?


The answer to the last riddle was:
An alarm clock!!! kitties9life  got it first, I believe.

Thank you so much for being honest and correcting me, DragonNadder .
Nice job to all who answered!
And on a similar note... THIS HAS 10k READS!!!!!!!!!! WTF IS GOING ON!!!!!!!!! I STARTED THIS CAUSE I WAS BORED, YOU KNOW, AND NOW IT HAS 10k READS!!!!!!!! THAT'S WAY MORE THAN I EVER THOUGHT THIS WOULD GET - or any of my books, really - BUT YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME IS THE POINT I'M TRYING TO MAKE!!!! This wouldn't be where or what it is without you!!!!!! So thank you all so so much!

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