Chapter 3

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"I think I am going to die" Tarun moaned as he got off the sofa.

Talk about exaggeration!

"Serves you right for overeating so much" I told him rolling my eyes, as we climbed up the stairs

"They forced me to eat" Tarun cribbed

"Don't lie. You were lapping all the attention. You wanted it"

"You are jealous" Tarun said widening his eyes as though he had discovered gold

"Jealous of what?" I asked shaking my head

"Jealous of all the female attention I was getting" Tarun said, with a smirk

I snorted. I knew it was un-lady like but I couldn't help it "You mean bua and chachi?" I asked him amused

"Don't forget Pammy aunty as well" he reminded him

"How could I forget? I had to protect you from her after all"

"I am an edible eligible bachelor. You better hold on to me. I am in demand" Tarun boasted, in jest.

"Firstly, ewww! And secondly, no one can bear you other than me"

I was walking past him, but he held my hand and pulled me back

"Hey! No one wants you as much as me" Tarun was serious. I could see it in his eyes. It was rare for Tarun to be serious but when he was, he was intense.

I stood still, looking into his eyes. I couldn't reply to him. Not just because of the intensity with which he was gazing at me, but also because he was telling the truth.

He was the only one would wanted me. The only one who had always wanted me since we met. He had made that amply clear on numerous occasions, before I had finally given in.

"Jiju?" Bunty and his perfect timing. I looked away from Tarun, towards Bunty. He was shifting from one leg to the other

"Do you want to go to the bathroom?" Tarun asked him. I guess he noticed all the shifting as well

"What?" Bunty looked confused "No" he said after a moment "I wanted to talk to you about our plans tomorrow"

"Bunty, how much do you weigh?" Tarun asked looking him up and down

Bunty was really lost by now "100kg" he whispered softy. That is right, Bunty was more like a wrestler despite his softer demeanor

"Do you think you can carry me to bed?" Tarun asked him with a serious expression on his face.

"What?" Bunty was confused. 

I paused to look at Tarun. Bunty was talking Tarun's comments seriously. Before Tarun knew it, Bunty reached closer to him, almost lifting him off the steps.

"What are you doing?" Tarun squeaked. He hadn't expected this

"Lifting you" Good old simple Bunty

"I was just kidding buddy" Tarun admitted raising his hands in the air, shaking his head "But do you think you could give me a push?"

"Tarun!" I warned. Tarun sometimes needed to be reminded when he was dragging a joke.

"Mom fed you too much huh?" Bunty asked, finally getting that this was just Tarun pulling his leg

"You don't know the half of it" Tarun admitted with a smile "I think I am going to bust from the seams, that is if I had seams"

"Don't worry. You will get used to it. She will make you strong like me" Bunty said, with pride as he walked up the stairs with Tarun

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