Chapter 10

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I woke up the next morning to multiple messages from Tarun.

'I am bored.' 'Missing you.' 'I need a virtual kiss at least!' 'Bunty's snores can wake up a hibernating bear!'

They just went on. Crazy! Just like him!

But they brought a smile to my lips.

After last night I felt some of the weight was gone off my chest. The weight of the regret of not having told Sahil how I felt.

The questions like could things have been different if I had had the courage to tell him, no longer bothered me. I now knew it wouldn't have change anything. Not a thing.

Last night didn't take away the sadness though. The one that I felt all those years back, not having my feelings reciprocated. Nor did it dull the pain of heartbreak that I had gone through.

But that is where Tarun came in. He was always there making me laugh. Making me forget the pain. Creating distractions. He had done that right from the day we met in Boston.

I was happy that I had him in my life.

My eyes drifted toward the balcony and the room opposite it. I had only found closed doors and drawn curtains there since I got back. Last night, it felt as though when it came to his life, Sahil had also drawn them on me.

His words still echoed in my head. 'May be we were meant to be together only this far.'

It just made me realise that he was never going to be part of my life now. Never.

As much as I had avoided him and his thoughts, I had never imagined I would be at a this place.

It left me feeling hollow in my heart and may be also my soul. The scary thing was that I knew nothing or nobody would be able to fill it.

"Ruhi! Look who is here!" I heard Mom holler.

And my peaceful morning was gone! Just like that!

I walked down to find Pinky giggling with Mom. Pinky was the wedding trousseau designer. Pooja had recommended him to me. Most of our discussions had been through FaceTime. I was meeting him in person for the first time.

Pinky was...peculiar. As some male designers go. You would think that he would fit right into our circus, but i realised seeing him with Mom that crazies had their own distinct compartment. They didn't link to mingle.

I would have told the family he was gay, but Bejee would have used some choice words for him. I thought that it would be good to remove the bandage in one snap when he turned up, rather than go into all the explanations beforehand.

"Roo! There you are!" he called out as I walked down the stairs.

After quick hugs and air kisses, we were on to business. 

You would think that the best part about being a bride would be trying out the clothes and jewellery. At least I had thought that...all those years ago.

I was in for a rude awakening. 

After playing mannequin for two hours, I bailed and tried to sneak out to Bade Papa's house making the most ridiculous excuses ever. Even Sweety and Sanju looked at me as though I had drunk some 'special energy drink' as  Papa liked to refer to his evening drink sessions with Raj uncle. 

Shalini Maa took pity on me and helped out by handing a box of sweets that she had made for Roma Bhabhi, Bally bhai's wife. 

"Thank you! Thank you!" 

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