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I looked down at the tent in the lawn.  The white cloth looked even brighter in the moonlight–even though the lights had been switched off. Breeze blew the drapes that lined the tent

I rubbed my hands along my arms. I should have worn something warmer or at least a pullover. 

Before I could go back inside to grab a pullover, I felt arms around me.  Arms that I knew really well. 

"You are late," I mumbled even as I tried to relish the comfort from that warmth.

"Sorry," He pulled me closer, wrapping his arms over mine, "All done now. I wont be late again till everything is done."

"I know you wont. Your favourite Bunty wont let you."

He rubbed his nose along my cheek. It was cold.

"Aaah," I squirmed, "You are cold."

"You can warm me up," he whispered in my ears.

"I had to deal with Tanya and Kaira the entire day," I complained. 

He chuckled.

I elbowed him.

"I am going to pay for that a long time, right?" He said not letting me out of his arms.

"You can count on it," I grumbled.

He nuzzled my neck, "You are too focused on that wedding tent. Getting second thoughts?"

I whipped around in his embrace. Looking into his intense eyes, I gently kissed him. "What do you think?"

"Hmmm...I have to think about this one. That kiss was beautiful, but not the best one yet." 

I could see the twinkle in his eyes but I still couldn't stop the gasp that left my lips, "Have you been ranking and rating my kisses?"

"Well ..." he drawled.

"Well what?" I asked narrowing my eyes at him.

"What do you think?" He asked raising his eyebrow even as a mischievous smile spread on his lips.

"I think I am having second thoughts." I wasn't but I could pretend. I could tease him too!

"You cannot lie to me," he kissed my cheek gently.

"Remember that," I warned wrapping my arms around his neck, "It applies to you too. You, my dear husband, are a goner when it comes to me."

"And you have a problem with that?" He chuckled

"You will be the one with the problem if that ever changes," I warned.

"I am not giving you a reason to even doubt that. Never again," he said softly.

He hadn't. 

Not for a minute. Not for a second since our wedding.

I remembered that day. To be honest the way things had gone, I was sure no one in my family would ever forget my wedding. Our wedding. 

I still remember Sahil walking me towards the mandap. My cousins had held the veil over my head as we walked. 

No one had stopped him from walking with me. May be because they knew I would bolt again. 

As he stopped some distance away from the mandap and let go of my hand, I could not let go of his. 

I couldn't. Despite all his words. I just couldn't. 

It felt as though I was forcefully killing a part of me. A part that would leave me feeling empty. A part that made me me. That was so much an essence of who I was, that I would be dead without it.

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