Nightly Issues (Part 5)

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As I went to the rooms, Leo and Sophie were walking up and paused at Sophie’s room. She looked in and Leo started continuing to his room, but paused as Sophie did, looking at her curiously. She saw me then blushed, quickly stepping in her room. Leo looked at me and blushed a little, heading to his room a little sluggishly.

I smiled a little and knocked on Raph’s door. He answered and I took a step back. Before I could even ask, he pointed to Naomi’s room. Nodding, he closed the door again and I went over to Naomi’s.

Naomi opened the door before I could even knock. “Can I not ask of act before someone interrupts me?” I asked.

“No,” Naomi said, letting me in. “Sleep over?”

“More like nightly issues,” I smiled.

“So that’s what you started naming these times you sleep with me?” she asked, closing the door.

Melanie was jumping on the bed, trying to get back some “years” when she was an actual kid. She smiled when I walked in and I smiled back. She stopped jumping, crouching down to maintain her balance.

“Booyakasha…!” she whispered a little, smiling.

“Hey,” Naomi snapped, pointing at her. “None of that in here.”

“None of what?” I asked.

“Mikey’s word,” she said, rolling her eyes.

“Booyakasha?” Melanie and I asked at the same time, grinning widely, knowing we’d hit Naomi’s annoying button.

She went over to a dark corner of the room, grabbing something and then coming back, hiding whatever she grabbed behind her shell. She grinned and said, “Say it again and you won’t get any.”

“Any what?” Melanie’s and I’s eyes went wide with wonder, leaning forward toward Naomi, wondering what was behind her shell already.

Grinning somewhat evilly, she pulled out three canisters of Whipped Cream. Same kind, lids still attached and unopened.

“No way!” I exclaimed. “You got some this quickly? How?!”

Naomi shrugged and smirked, “Naomi has her ways.”

“Third person narration, huh?” Melanie asked.

“Yeah,” Naomi nodded, handing a canister to her. She came up and offered me one as well, the base toward me while she held the lid. Did I really trust her…? Yes. I took the canister and it fell out of her grip without a problem.

Popping open or lids, I held my hands up, “Wait!” both of them paused, their heads up and about to press on the nozzle to squirt the contents in their mouths. Laughing softly, I held up my canister, “Welcome home?”

Smiling softly, Naomi was the first to clink her canister against mine. Melanie paused, unsure what to do, then smiled and came up, leaning against the foot board and reached over, clinking her canister against ours.

“Welcome home,” they repeated, Naomi louder than Melanie.

Then I shook my canister good and tilted my head back, pressing the nozzle and swallowing the Whipped Cream whole. I licked my lips and looked at the two of them with a happy grin.

Naomi already had half her canister full and she was still going. Melanie had her canister nozzle pointed at Naomi, laughing hard, tearing up from laughing so hard. When I saw Naomi, I gulped and wondered if it was a good idea for her to have something like the Whipped Cream.

When her canister was finally done, her lips were wet from licking them so much to get every drop of Whipped Cream and Melanie was already halfway done with hers. Mine still had a reasonable amount.

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