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 *Derek's POV*
"The weather is warm for March!" The woman at the diner counter had informed me when I commented on the heat as I took a seat at the counter. I scanned the large menu board behind her. She was a broad-shouldered woman in her late thirties. She was with work-worn hands and a plain but pleasant face devoid of make-up. I read the name tag on her left boob.

"Won't last!" Emma warned in a hardedged drawl as she pulled out a pen and order pad from her apron pocket. "We'll get another frost in time to kill off all the daffodils that will be blooming." She shrugged. "Spring in Tennessee."

I could tell her a few stories about spring in Wyoming that would curl her lanky brown hair. Late season snowstorms piling up in feet, not inches. Winds so strong and cold, they seemed to blast the skin right off your face. But I refrained.

"What can I get you?" She asked. I ordered a steak sandwich and a sweet tea, my gaze sliding past the beer menu without snagging for a second.


Another customer entered as I heard the door behind me swing open. "Emma do you have the orders for Aduve ready?" A woman's voice called out, husky and lightly tinted with a Texas twing.

The skin on my neck prickled. That voice sounds soo familiar. No it can't be.... I swung my head slowly towards the newcomer.

Shit... I have finally found her. I have finally tracked her down. I have been looking for her for three good years to make amends.

She was standing right infront of me, so close that I could lean forward a few inches and touch her arm. My tongue felt like lead and my pulse began to roar in my ears.

She must have felt my scrutiny for her cool brown eyes flicked my way, her own gaze resting a brief moment on my face before sliding back to the waitress at the counter.

Don't tell me she didn't recognize me.

Is that even possible? I had been a little lax about getting my hair cut since I left the rodeo circuit. I had also put on ten pounds now that I wasn't shooting through gates on the back of a thousand pounds of pissed off beef and trying to hang on for eight seconds of sheer adrenaline, but my looks hadn't changed that much.

Then her gaze snapped back as I manage to find my voice. "Hi, Liv."

It looked like she froze in place for a moment, her expression was completely unreadable, blank. "Hi" she then gave me a short nod.

"So this is where you disappeared to." I licked my dry lips. "I am so sorry about your sister."

A flicker of pain darted across her face. She changed her expression so fast, it was almost as if I imagined it. "Thank you!" She spoke softly.

"I'm sorry about everything, really especially the way things ended." Wow, I just heard myself, I sound so desperate, maybe because I am.

Her eyes narrowed slightly. "Forget about it Derek, I have." It wasn't much of a surprise to me that her tone was hard. I mean, I messed up, badly. I had hurt her so much. A part of me is glad that she is like this. At least it seams like I hadn't crushed her spirit entirely.

Though I can't help but feel that something is definitely wrong. Something is wrong with Olivia Stone.

"I know it's been a long time. I really want us to meet some other time. You know, catch up with our lives. I'd really like to explain a few things..."

"Derek, I've moved on." She shook her head. What happened to her calling me Rick. She used to love it. She used to love me. What happened? Oh yeah, I screwed up big time. It seems like she doesn't want to have anything to do with me again? What do I do? Think Derek, think! There has to be something connecting us. Yeah! There is actually something connecting us.

"What about the money?"

To be continued...

Hi guys...
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Love y'all!
BTW, I have an instagram page for my story @pweencesss_wattpad..
23rd July, 2016!

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