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*Liv's POV*

Don't panic, there is no damn need to panic!

I entered through the front door of the two story Victorian mansion on Arasa street, breathing deeply through my nose and releasing both air and tension through my mouth with each determined step. I timed my respiration as I walked to my office conference room which was about twelve paces down the narrow central corridor- one breath, three steps.

I had managed to present an outward air of calm when I knocked on the door and received an invitation to enter.

That's just my appearance but inside me, I was freaking out completely.

Of all people to run into here in Purgatory, Tennessee, Derek Andrew? The cowboy with a heart of stone.

God, I have detested that name for three years. I have been disgusted by even the mere thought of what he had done, how he left me. I wish he could just die underneath some bucking bronco or twisting bull more than once.

I never really got to know what had become of him after he left the dust of Amarillo behind him. Well, frankly I just didn't care.

Now I know that not only is he alive and well but he is also disgustingly handsome. What the hell is he even doing here anyways?

I quietly entered the conference room and set the box on the long credenza that took up most of the space. Someone had already started brewing a pot of coffee.

I went out of the conference room to retrieve a cooler of ice cubes for the two dozen bottles of water, juice and soft drinks lined up like soldiers at attention on one end of the side board.

Halfway there, I heard footsteps behind me, someone was following me. I shot a quick look back to see Aduve's CEO, Jonathan Swells, his expression completely unreadable. As usual.

I turned to face him, "Hi!" I said straightforward.

"What happened while you were out?" I thought about trying to lie, but Jonathan had spent a couple of decades in the CIA. He had a speciality in seeing through lies. "I ran into someone from my past, from Texas."

He narrowed his eyes clearly asking me to say more. "He was talking bout some ten thousand dollars. I didn't know what he was talking about so I kinda faked it but I'm not sure if he believed me."

Jonathan was silent for a while, his hazel eyes holding my gaze without making me feel uncomfortable. He has a calming effect on most people for a man who had lived on lies and adrenaline, I wasn't immune myself.

"What's his name?"

"Derek Andrew."

"What does he look like?"

"He has long black hair, bubblegum-blue eyes. He is originally from Wyoming. He is like six-feet tall. He has big shoulders, narrow hips and waist. He was a cowboy!" I finished. Wow, I knew him so well!

Jonathan arched one eyebrow at the cowboy thing.

"No he literally was a cowboy. He was on the rodeo circuit back in Texas."

"So, what's he doing here?"

"I have no idea, I didn't ask him."

Jonathan then gave a short nod. "Go ahead and get some ice. Don't worry about this Derek Andrew, he won't be a problem."

I know that Jonathan had everything in him to protect me from my past but I don't think he can erase the memory of Rick's dark eyes or sexy voice from my brain.

I grabbed the clean cooler from the storage closet and started scooping ice into it.

I might hate Rick and never want to see him again but I doubt that I will be able to stop worrying about him.

Was his meeting me here in Purgatory nothing but a coincidence or was something a lot more sinister at work?

I must do something!

To be continued...

Two chapters on the same day!
Thanks for reading!
Go check out forever doesn't last by Swibells. She is an amazing author!
26th July, 2016!
Stay tuned!

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