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Jack's P.O.V.
I eased myself to a sitting position wincing at the ache in my head. I felt something warm slithering down my scalp. "I think I am bleeding!"

She didn't look interested in my self-diagnosis. "Are you stalking me now?"

"No." I look at her skepticism before I add. "Not intentionally."

"Why are you following me, why can't you just get lost. How did you find me?"

I grimaced as she leaned towards me, bring in the barrel off the M&P40 even closer to my face. "Could you please put that thing away before you shoot me?"

"Not a chance." She answered in a flat tone. "Get up, all the way up."

I followed her instruction, aching tension knotting the muscles of my back and abdomen. "I'm definitely not with that guy. And I'm not a stalker, appearances to the contrary not withstanding."

For a second, the corner of her lips twitched. "You followed me here." It was not a question.

"I did." I admitted.


"To see where you were going." My answer was quite pathetic for an explanation. Of course, I wanted more than to just know where she was going but there is absolutely no need for her to know that.

"You've accomplished that, now leave!" She said in a flat tone.

There was a curious note to her husky voice, a hint of vulnerability peeking through the tiny crack in her mask of contemptuous calm. She can't just tell me to leave. I can't just leave. What kind of guy would I be if I left knowing she could be in trouble.

"Do you know who that guy was?" There was silence. Wow!

"What is going on Liv?"

"You need to leave now." She lowered the pistol to her side.

"Heck no, I am not gonna leave you here knowing you could be in trouble. Tell me, is there someone out there just waiting for me to leave to take another crack at you?

She turned towards the cabin door. Despite the throbbing pain in my head, I forced myself up the steps reaching the door just before it snapped closed behind her. I struck my boot into the narrowing breach, stopping the door from shutting.

She glared at me through the narrow opening. "I said leave."

"I heard you."

"And yet you are still here."

Guilt fluttered in the center of my chest as her expression grew hard and cold. Olivia Stone had never been hard or cold, even when she should have been. Her kind, forgiving nature had made her an easy mark for my pathetic neediness, and I'd come to depend on her being there, being willing to overlook my copious flaws, whenever I needed her.

I supposed it was good she'd finally drawn a line I couldn't cross. I just hated that I had been the one to add that hardness and coldness to her sweet nature. I have to fix this, I just hope there is a way for me to fix this.

"There's still the matter of ten thousand dollars." I said.

She took a step back and let go of the door. I pressed the door with my boot and it swung open. I took a step inside, my face taking in the small front room. What I saw nearly stole my breath away.

This place had been completely wrecked.

To be continued...

Thank you so much for reading, I hope you liked it!
The next chapter is in Liv's P.O.V!
Please don't forget to vote and comment, tell me what you think guys!
You guys are awesome! 😘😘
31st August, 2016!

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