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*Derek's POV*

"What about the money?"

Her brow rugged again, her eyes darting towards me before sliding away. She repeated after me. "What about the money?"

What! Don't tell me she has forgotten. "Ten thousand dollars plus three years of interest?"

Her lips pressed to a thin line. "I do not know what you are talking about."

I stared at her, unease twisting a knot in my gut. What does she mean by that. How could she forget. There is something seriously wrong with her. I took a step closer to her unable to stop myself. "Are you okay?"

She narrowed her eyes at me, alarm flickered in her eyes. She turned towards Emma, who had just returned to the counter with a box filled with Individual brown paper sacks. She paid me no attention as she pulled out her credit card and handed it to Emma.

While Emma was running the credit card, Liv still paid me no attention. I had known her for two years and she had never been like this. I hadn't changed much in three years but she clearly has.

Emma handed her back the credit card and gave her a slip to sign. Liv carefully picked up the box of lunch bags, then turned towards the door without even glancing my way. I realized she wanted to leave without saying another word. I shouldn't force her to deal with the past. It is her choice if she wants to but I certainly cannot let her go without making amends. There was still the issue of the money though! I decided to stop her as I stepped into her path. I am gonna do this here and now. I finally have her right at my front, I don't think I have it in me to let her go again.

Her gaze snapped up to meet mine. Oh those beautiful eyes. She took a quick step backward. "What do you want?"

"I certainly know that you do not wanna deal with the past and I get it. I'm not asking for you to forgive me but ten thousand dollars is a lot of money and..." I started to blab but offcourse she interrupted me.

"Listen, you can't prove I owe you a damn thing, so if you would, please excuse me. God dammit!" She was clearly frustrated, her husky voice was edged with disdain and scorn.

She quickly past me and left through the front door. Wow, I just stood there wondering like a fool. How could she forget such a thing.

"What the hell did you do this time? Strike out with the red-head?" I heard my brother in-law, Peter Anderson ask as he came in through the front door with his family.

Peter's wife, Rose, lowered their daughter Sophia to the floor so she could hurry over to me. Reaching down, I picked up the two-year-old and tucked her close. I gave a nod to my nephew, Aiden before looking over at Peter. "Remember when I told you I wanted to make amends with some woman, I hurt in Amarillo?"

Peter got rid of the smile he had on his face. "Was that her?"

"Well obviously!" What a stupid question. "There is something off though!" I said as I remembered the cold, imperious air of the woman I just watched leave the diner.

I found my way to an empty booth and my brother in-law's family followed me. I settled into the bench seat across from them, setting Sophia down beside me, Aiden sitting beside her.

"What do you mean?" Peter asked me referring to my last sentence. "Well, I can't help to notice that something very strange is going on."

"Strange how?" Rose had asked before Peter even had the opportunity to speak.

"Well, I brought up the topic of the money and she acted really weird. Like she couldn't remember at all. She said I couldn't prove a thing." I shook my head

Peter and his wife exchanged a quick look. "Derek, are you sure you didn't misunderstand?" Peter asked.

"I didn't, believe me." I shook my head. "This is really so surprising, I can't believe that after three years, she doesn't remember that I scammed ten thousand dollars from her. How is that even possible?"

To be continued...

Hey guys....
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Next chapter is in Olivia's POV....
Thanks 💕💕
26th July, 2016!

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