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*Derek's POV*

"If you just happen to be matchmaking, Rose, you can forget it. Olivia Stone is definitely not the woman for me. She never was."

That had been the problem.

"Well, maybe you could just tell Jonathan about the money you owe her, then." Rose said.

"I think, I'll just fly under the radar, if you don't mind. Good idea about talking to the waitress though." I stood up and slid from the booth. I headed to the counter where Emma was wiping down the surface with a clean rag.

She looked up at me with a weary smile as I stopped at her front. "Can I get you something else?" She asked pleasantly.

"Actually, I could use some directions. I happen to be looking for an old friend who works here in purgatory at a place called Aduve, have you heard of it?"

"Yup, it's really popular around here. Is your friend one of the investigators?"

"Yes!" I searched my brain trying to remember the name Peter had mentioned to me. "Calum"

"Oh, he's such a nice guy. Real good looking too." Emma's cheeks grew pink as she smiled sheepishly.

"I want to surprise him at his office, since he doesn't know I'm in town. Can you give me directions?"

"Well, this is the street actually. Just take a left when you leave, go a couple of blocks in that direction and you will see a big white Victorian mansion right at the corner of Arasa street at your left. You can't miss it."

I said thanks and smiled as I left to Meet Peter and Rose at the door. "What are you planning to do?" Peter asked.

"I do not know." I admitted. "I think I will go find her and maybe convince her to stop pretending."

"I hate to mention this," Rose said quietly. "but you sound a little stalkerish." I slammed a look at her. "I'm not obsessed with Liv."

"You kinda are, she told you to get lost but you still wanna track her down at her office. That sounds like stalking to me." Peter pointed out as he picked up Sophia and settled his daughter on his hip. "She doesn't even remember that you nicked ten grand from her. Maybe you should let it go too."

"How doesn't that sound strange to you? How can she just forget loosing ten grand? Liv wasn't rich, ten thousand dollars was a lot to her."

"Maybe she considers it a small price to get you out of her life." I couldn't keep from flinching at his words. The truth behind his words were a little harsh.

"Why don't you come out fishing with us this afternoon instead?" Rose suggested. That is particularly what brought me here. I am thankfull that I came on this fishing trip with my brother-in-law's family.

"You know, I think I will just wander around town this afternoon. See the sights." I said smoothly.

"What sights?" Peter raised an eyebrow looking around the sleepy street in front of us.

"Go fish." I said firmly heading for my truck. "I will catch up with you later at the motel." I didn't wait for them to answer before sliding into the cab of my truck and starting the engine.

I tuned the radio to a rock station. I turned the volume up and pulled out into the light traffic on Arasa street, heading left.

I spared a glance in the rearview mirror. Peter and Rose stood by their own truck, Sophia still on Peter's hip and Aiden standing by Rose. I feel like a jerk for bailing on them but the truth is, I didn't really want anyone to talk me out of approaching Liv one more time.

I owed her a hell lot more than the ten thousand dollars with interest that I took from her.

But money is all I have to offer.

To be continued...

I am Sooooooo sorry for the late update.
I have been soooooo busy...
On Saturday was my sister's birthday so there was alot to do...
Anyway here you go....
Thanks alot for reading...
Don't forget to vote and comment...
Thanks.. 😘😘😘
5th August, 2016!!

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