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This chapter is dedicated to alejaaflores03. Thanks so much for all your support.

*Liv's POV*
I usually worked until five but Jonathan told me to take the rest of the day off around three. I am sure he could tell that I was too wired to be any good to anyone at the agency. I could also use the extra time at my cabin to work on the side project Jonathan had given me.

It was why I was working at Aduve in the first place.

The mild afternoon warmth had abated with the arrival of storm clouds brewing in the west, and a crisp chill edged the breeze blowing at the back as I crossed the road to where I had parked my little blue. Mazda car. At least, the interior of the car was still warm.

I struggled into the seat as I pulled away from the urban and headed east toward the mountains and the cabin I rented on Malaki lake.

This seclusion is just what I needed. No nosy neighbors, no loud music, nothing. Malaki lake's power grid seemed stable and my internet connection was solid.

It was really the prime situation for my side project and I had felt relatively safe until I ran into Derek at the diner.

Funny how one unexpected encounter from the past could knock my whole world off it's axis.

My cabin was on the eastern edge of Malaki lake, butted up to Gerald mountain, where bigger houses dotted the mountain face. I am renting from Jonathan Swells, himself. He had given me a break on the rent in return for me putting in some hours as an assistant at Aduve.

I knew that was my cover story. Jonathan clearly has trust issues. He doesn't always like sharing information even with people he had trusted enough to hire.

I parked my car on the gravel drive outside my cabin and cut out the engine. I just sit in the ensuring silence.

Later in the summer, there would be families out on the water or inhabiting the cabins farther along the lake shore, their happy cries and laughter drifting over the water to encroach on the quiet.

Not yet though, March is too cool for swimming. Most of the best spring fishing could be found in other parts of the lake, so boats rarely made it this far down the water.

I was as safe as I had ever been. Nobody knew I was here.

I stepped out of the car and started towards the low front porch of the cabin. Why do I feel like I am being watched?

Don't be stupid. I scolded myself with an upward tilt of my chin. You're Olivia Stone, and you don't attract crazies the way your sister, Bella did.

I reached the porch and put my hand out to open the door. The strange thing was, it was already opening.

A man dressed in dark forest camouflage stepped out on the porch and pushed a large pillowcase down over my head, wrapping me up in a tight grasp that squeezed that air right out of my lungs.

I gasped for breath, trying feebly to struggle against the iron grip, I realized with a rush of fear that I had never gotten away from Isabella Stone, no matter how far I ran.

To be continued...

This chapter is soooo short and a little boring.....
I am so sorry for that, just that I wanted to put this part in Liv's POV...
I tried to make it longer...
Anyway, thank you guys soooo much for reading...
Also thanks sooooo much for 190+ reads and 50+ votes... You guys are awesome. 😘😘😘😘
7th August, 2016!

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