Made Of Money! (MonstaX Wonho)

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You and Hoseok held hands as Kihyun and Hyungwon showed each other their new comic books, screeching and squealing about how excited they were to read them. You came across a few toy vending machines and Kihyun immediately ran over with Hyungwon and began digging through their pockets, trying to collect all of the change they could.

They both took turns dropping coins in the machines and turning the knobs until a tiny little bubble-like container reached the bottom. They took no time to pop open the lids and unwrap their new items, squeals of happiness leaving their mouths as they looked at their new toys.

Kihyun unwrapped one and stuck out his hand in front of Hoseok as he untangled his fingers from yours to begin investigating the small object, he gasped immediately as he realized that it was a miniature gudetama squishy with a small frown on it's face.

He squished it gently as his eyes widened slightly, "Kawaii~" He cooed as he turned over to you. He placed the small toy in your hand as him and Kihyun began giggling like children, "Its so cute." You also started giggling a bit at the tiny item. You handed it back to Kihyun and began reaching into your pockets, pulling out a few quarters.

You handed the change to Hoseok, allowing him to collect some toys of his own as he cheered, "Thank you jagi!" As he began shoving quarters into every single machine he saw. "I need all of the toys!" He announced in an evil tone as he turned each knob.

Pretty soon you were all out of change and they each had small bags full of toys, most of them already opened. "You guys are so expensive." You said as you raised your eyebrows, all of them giving you a pouty look. "What's that supposed to mean?" Hoseok said in a childish voice, "What's that supposed to mean," You imitated as you pointed at your boyfriend's outfit and then his separate bag of toys. "Look at you! It's like you're made of money!" You said in a slightly loud voice, all of them laughing at you.


Author's Note:

I got the inspiration to write this  after watching MonstaX's video 'KCON Japan Pt2'

After quite a bit of searching I found out what those toy machines were called FINALLY!

This is my first actual writing I've ever put on this website so I'm very sorry if it's bad!

I haven't quite gotten used to the writing format yet!

As time goes on I will try to make my writings better!

Hope you enjoyed!

Thank you for reading!

I love you and don't forget to smile, smile, smile!


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