Cheesy (MonstaX Kihyun)

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You sat in your chair as your best friend Soohyun from AKMU began singing their newly released song 'Re-Bye', her brother Chanhyuk wasn't feeling good enough for the performance so you ended up patting his back and telling him you could take over before the show.

When Soohyun finished singing their song, you both got up and waved to the audience of cheering fans. You set down your guitar carefully backstage before turning over to see Soohyun smiling, "Thank you so much for filling in, he normally doesn't get sick like this." She said for about the fifth time. "You're welcome, I have to run but I'll be at your next concert. I hope Chankyun gets better soon, I expect good things!" You cheered as you ran in your heels, heading out the door as security followed behind you.

After a drive that felt much longer then it actually was, the car came to a halt as you quickly checked yourself out in the mirror before grabbing your bag. "Thank you!" You chirped as you pushed the door open, stepping out quickly before eyeballing your favorite cafe, finally finding who you were looking for as he sat at a table alone. "Kihyunie!" You called as he looked up and smiled at you, "Mianhae, the show went on longer then I thought it would." You sighed as he waved his hand at you, gesturing that he didn't care to hear the story.

"It's alright, you're here now. That's all that matters." He says, a smile still plastered across his face. You smiled back, happy he wasn't mad. Not that he got angry too often anyway. "Lets go on a walk." You said as you intertwined his fingers with yours, "Whatever you want jagi." He agreed as you both began walking down the now very colorful and bright street. Being with him always made things seem prettier. You watched as the train zoomed by, Kihyun stopping to pick flowers off of every bush he saw.

"What're you doing Kihyunie?" You asked, a a bright smile appearing as soon as the question left your lips. "You're going to say something cheesy aren-" You were cut off by him when he finally thought of the right words to say, "I'm collecting everything that reminds me of you." He answered as you raised an eyebrow. "Why do they remind you of me?" You asked, knowing all too well that's exactly what he wanted you to. "Because flowers are beautiful, and so are you." You let out a sigh which became a giggle as he continued to give you a goofy smile.

"Kihyun please." You begged for mercy at his cheesy words, "Oh you loved it." He laughed as he swung his arm, your arm doing the same. "I loved it almost as much as I love you." You smiled, waiting for a reaction as he bursted into a ball of giggles. "Who's the cheesy one now, huh?" He laughed as you hit him playfully.


I hope you enjoyed reading as much as I enjoyed writing it!

I'm sorry for any mistakes/errors I made!

Once again I'm sorry if this was bad!

Thank you for reading!

I love you and don't forget to smile, smile, smile!


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