Seasin premiere the ghost: powers

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(Update new season theme playable up above with pic)Welcome back reader to THE GHOST and it's season 2 so let's begin by saying hey!!!!!! And thank all of you for reading my first season and for those of you reading this thanks for coming back for more lol

Anyway let's begin...

It's been almost 14 years since the events of the previous season those powers live in constant government control via regularly checked and updated dampeners informs of of brackets collars if your less of a threat or comply to the new norm then your to wear watches and more like that that are "disguised" dampeners meaning all those with powers are now normal and being watched a list apon lists of powers some of the police are hired once more nick and Judy are detectives and Bogo he being stubborn works Clawhousers old job seeing how the kind cat lay dead 6 feet under a heart attack it was 2 years ago precinct one is home to a site called the vault a full dampened completely sealed off except to a few room where powerful things are kept including a black box that's wooden and smooth covered...In dust alone with the black hoods old gear the robes of the vow and many more line the room almost like trophies while those powers who are unknown even to them selfs or the ones still causing trouble well they either are in the powers prison, collared or dead tho even with this Zootopia seems...almost normal the wind picks a paper off the wall of a Main Street building it's caught by a glove paw "the ghost wanted dead or alive bounty set at 50 billion" reads a muffled voice the figure dressed in all black and covered by a scarf this person crumples the paper and tosses it with out looking into the trash can percent throw

Max was sent to a boarding school for the "unique" or the place powered kids go to be "educated" on what they are allowed and not in this world how normal people are better tho max was defiant he was alone and it became his only way to survive by "playing along" agreeing with the teachers learning the rules but he would never truly accept it

As for corbin no one could link him to the events before so he is working as a ci or criminal informant to catch Powers in return they don't make him mute deaf and blind the one thing about Corbin's powers they come from his senses so the gov decided to give him a choice help them or be cut off at each sense he didn't want either option but he went along with it he was forced to wear dampener head phones so he couldn't use his music to sway anyone especially his handlers and max he has injections to his cerebral cortex or the brain stem causing his powers to flat line so they don't work until about 3-6 months and then he has another injection

Angel has been living in the underground hq in the manor but they found it so she got out with all the stuff she could then the shadows of Zootopia for a time she was in the protective folds of the crime family run by mr.big but now she wanders the streets doing what she can saving those she can and still she hides in a "haunted house" granted it's her own myth that makes it haunted she still searches plans and holds out waiting to do what she has to fix it all....

The city is divided by this who are powers and who aren't The powers are how you say...? Treated like monsters worse then dirt there the new brand of racism tho unlike it and sexism and all the other things including the predator and prey divide this...this is worse cause it not only a race or a gender no prey or predator

If you have could have will have or are suspected of having powers your not the neighbor in the house over or the guy you met on the subway nor the lady who fights crime keeping our streets safe with a badge the man who teaches about science or drama in a high school no

Now your the boogyman the monster the freak the abomination your the worst and it wasn't powers only that gets this no there family's do there loved ones receive it as do there friends

What use to be a way to give people a better life by protecting others and showing the impossible to be real now is twist and made sour instead of powers they've been dubbed the unzootipian (in our world that could amount to being called the inhumans) by the goverment seeing how they veil over powers was a term saying all the wrong things....

As for Jason and Sam well the statues lay in time square in closed in a black rock force field that no one can get in but what happened why statues one knows


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