Wake up neo i mean jason...*cough*

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Calmer group labs Vera's location and Jason's

Vera sits reading news from the days past as she does seeing how she never goes out

Granted she's done all she can for Jason so this break is all she can do but it's short lived as she gets up and heads off to a lab below this one....

(About to blow Zootopia law apart but I need to lol)

A black Raven with purple eyes is siting working on something when she arrives

"Hello Cornelius been busy I see" she greets him "plz ms Vera do call me by my nick name you know the one.." He says not looking up but keeping at the device Infront of him

"Oh right uh...Cory sorry" she says having to take a momment to remember "he should be waking soon I imagine he'll wake in a weeks time.." Vera sighs and sits with Cory

"your not gonna be with him?" Asks Cory

"No it's easier for him this way" she says and then they both here a alarm "looks like he's up" says a perked up Cory "no that's not just him oh no" they race up in time to see Jason weakest verison that could be of him being carted off by masked men and women who are...."police?" Asks a confused Cory as they both watch Cory says "hey uh what's going in here this mans a patient of mine" not reviling his lab partner scince she's dead

"This "man" is not a Zootopian by class action law passed by the senate any powers not resigtered or having powers of a unknown reach in level and or has gotten said powers far before the blast is classified as a not zoo they are to be considered a unknown life form Basicly as of three days ago he's no longer a person he's a object a thing a weapon and a enemy but not a person and plus the mayor says he has powers exceeding known levels so he's now the city's till we know what he is and how he is what he is maybe more" says a officer the same who 'took advantage' of max

While Cory understood he was not happy and said "who is this mayor I'll give him a piece if my mind" he's scary like a mad mom you know your scared yet not and he has this intimidating voice and form yet he is a sweet guy not able to hurt anyone tho he doesn't let others know that

"Oh that would be mayor black" says the officer the Raven just freezes "wait the infamous black pitbull with the white skull painted face is mayor with his criminal history...?" Cory couldn't belive it as they carted off his patent the officer smirked and called back to Cory saying "yeah and he's made sure we work for him" he winks after re last bit and laughs Cory knew that the police aren't trust worthy at the momment and so he let them take Jason not able to stop them in fear of being killed they would be able to get away with it.

Vera watch the whole thing and called up Bogo (and for those who read this and don't know who that is he's a water buffalo from the movie who was chief if Judy hopps precinct and is a manly man who is a secret gazelle fan and middle aged I say very buff and not forgiving but he's changed in this story personality wise anyway...) "Bogo it's your freind from the gov listen the cops are corrupt the mayor has taken them over and ps they have a certain person everybody will want back I swear..." She says Ina rushing rapid slew of words into her voice modulation box and through that into a phone

"Got it thanks and I'll look in to the person you talk of" Bogo says hanging up

Ooooh fun times ahead and as for everything well it's gonna get a lot worse and better before a season finale that will blow you away promise ;)

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