Like a web...pt1

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Just in case your wondering no this is not a gonna be spider related lol I'm not so desprate that I'd grab onto that marvel wagon just yet lol

Last time in the ghost season 2

Jason died but wait he's in a coma? The once dead Vera secretly alive thanks to a secretive government organization and Sam isn't a bad guy!!!!? And who's the entity that is the vow that take him over!!!!?

And angel had the son she carried named jack while max and Corbin stay a team after max was outed as a hero and was disowned a evil man named blackheart ironic had used his powers to become mayor if Zootopia inacting a law making all powered heroes feral or outlaws and to be killed or captured on site with this it's reviled that a hidden home under Zootopia was built by Sammy and Jason long ago and kept up by Jason he leaves it to any hero mainly angel and Corbin and max and jack his son but welcoming any hero seeking refugee while nick Judy and Bogo return to work as zpd officers with the slight adjustments of oh corrupt cops running the stations and the heroes now detectives while Bogo is sent to Clawhousers old job

A new enemy scratch that many foes have risen many powers come and the heroes still do what they can tho they have only 5-8 cops on there side our heroes fates are looking dire and in tho episode the world will feel the wrath of blackstar company a new player in hero villain annihilation this group/team aim to destroy all powers and yet one of the leaders is a telepath with anger issues...I mean a lovely razor sharp smile...hehe and a secret weapon we all heard forged last time on the ghost

This time on the ghost season2...

"Fuck silver eyes there here every one scatte-!!!!" Yells a hero named white lie- abilite: able to tell a lie even if it's a tiny one people are effected by it i.e "hey did you guys know your boss is gonna kill you after you kill me? You could just kill him" and they'd believes him and do as he suggests tho the more clever and willful the person the harder it is- he is killed before he finishes the warning by a shotgun As the silver eyes enter and they clear the room once they kill a few powers and have cleared the hidey hole(not the main base a halfway house kind setup) the silver eyes line up in rows facing each other as a shadow comes down the steps the only way in they know of and-

"Hi everyone it's me Jason now Wait a second lots of questions I know where am I and stuff yeah first we gotta go back about 3 weeks and the silver eyes is a code name given to corrupt cops and corrupt ex heroes employed by black heart since they wore a silver badge and have eyes all over the city

So let's back track before this 3 weeks ago before this but 2 weeks after the events of the last chapter it goes a little like this..."

3 weeks 1 day 2 hrs and 22 minutes before the events above

"Listen up guys angel jack Corbin and any others in the immediate area come to the hall in five there's big news costumes optional cause we have guests" calls max to all heroes from his monitoring room (where he keeps an eye on the city and all)...

3 weeks 1 day 2 hrs and 17 minutes

Looks like a guy named fang first yes real name acquired a power from blackheart after he put that law in motion but the chief Bogo sorry ex chief Bogo brought us the info on the power don't get to excited but it's Jason he's alive" the room full of heroes and good cops all busted into murmurs and whispers a lot ones saying "what isn't he dead yeah I thought he was"

Corbin yelled "quiet!!" As they over shadowed max with there voices

"Thanks Corbin now listen we don't know what there doing with him but if I'm right it has something with the blackstar after his so called death a interesting group came forward in the chaos I thought it crazy at first but they claim to be able to kill or control powers and can do it easy the so called black soul what ever this black star will create they call it the black soul or well let's just say there so good at hiding even I can't find out much point is we have a new player coming step up safety measures all of you and make sure to never patrol a area with out another hero preferred your assigned partner in close prox now go and watch out silver eyes have uped the game they have killers new weapons that can destroy us even those with barriers or indestructible skin aren't safe dismissed"

After most leave Corbin max and angel and jack stays "I hate to say it but if my hunch is right Jason could be the subject if this experiment or that's how it looks so angel don't risk it ok and jack stay close to us at all times Corbin I'm gonna need you to do recon watch for any 'interesting' activity" "got it"

And they went off

1 week 4 days 3 hrs 2 mins 30 seconds

Fifty dead 35 captured all heroes oh and half precinct one is also dead

It was discovered that nick had powers when he stoped a bullet from hitting Judy by bending the metal he was assassinated by a new killer later that night as well as Judy the kids too

All by a house fire tho the fire was a 'alive a grinning smile in the dark mouths "burn baby burn" before walking off as the fire department shows to late tho

Sadly Bogo did not take loosing Clawhouser Judy even...nick too well at all and lept fifty story's from the warhall tower and died on impact tho some believe he was pushed.

Tho no body's are shown Bogo's defiantly dead tho in truth the body's of nick Judy and the kids never where recovered some hold hope...the killer was never caught about 4 days later a blurred photo was captured by a hidden camera after a massacre on a safe house of superhero family #128 the blur shows a tall figure most likely wolf

Tho most detail unclear from the black fur cause the picture to be more blurred then normal but from the photo it's safe to say a black furred wolf fur as black as night sky with out the stars and no moon light to be seen

1week 2hrs

"Alex your perfect as always keep up the good work my boy and we will beat the powered evil that plagues us" says fang first the croc to a wolf (no revial this chapter post who you think it is in the comments first to get it right wins something good)

"Yes sir who's my next target?" Growls eagerly the wolf cracking the knuckles on his left hand with his thumb crimson iris and black where white should be in both eyes a mask hiding his features hood up(pic of him above)

The croc hands him a photo "this one maxwell the seer kill him and they will be scattered no way to connect to each other, enjoy the hunt and if you can bring him in alive oh and if you run across these three-" hands him Corbin angel and jacks pictures "kill them or what ever they are a pain especially the girl" he says grinning "beautiful but too fiesty take care of it"

"Yes sir I'll take care of them alive or dead" the wolf then vanishes into a room of weapons swords guns things that make the Spanish Inquisition look like kiddie games when it comes to pain and deadliness and terror as well as a all black armor (as seen above) "let's go hunting"...

He chuckles loud evil in his voice as he removes his mask showing he's-

Post abd tell me what you think as well as what the answer to who that wolf is and a hint he's not Alex that's a fake name lol

And if yiu have suggestions in what yiu wanna see more of or what yiu wanna see next let me know

Part two coming soonabd I'll try to keep it coming hopefully two-five each week but I can't promise I'm prone to spontaneous writers block and sometimes I can't find the time but I promise unles I say so I'm not stopping so just hang in there if I'm late on chapter ok?

Thank you all for reading so much see you on part too

Peace!!!! :3

THE GHOST: season 2Where stories live. Discover now