Lies, cover ups, secrets and conspircys oh my

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Where to begin Well let's start with the beginning sound good? Good

After the fall of Lyra after the black hood was around for a year

The group called the

calmer foundation

A government funded power and non power institute made to target how to defeat and defend against powers especially the Originals like Jason and Sam...

They technically don't exist cause they also are a task force that while Maintain defense and research they also are a anti power organization and at the behests of the government they hunt down and kill, capture, and worse things you don't wanna know about then they will torture experiment and use the powers alive or dead to further there advances and any advance in powers research

Oh and then the day Vera "died"

"Quick get the girl loaded in the van hender" whispers a masked man to another masked man

Basically they took her replaced a fake her with her gear on the new one and the body done up to be her exact double down to dental and DNA to match some how

Then they brought her back and helped her back to full health then they gave her a job and she did it

Oh and then there's the vow thing granted this is before the Vera thing but hey

See while he is a bad guy he isn't truely himself when he's the vow but not now

But hey more to be told see you next time ;3

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