Immortal souls and memorys lost part3

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The night was far from over the fullest of moons hung high in the sky even tho it was only 9pm at the time Jason had walked about 20 miles quietly in thought he was questioning what he thought was real about his identity and the memory's he had and the more he walked the more strange memory's would fold in on his mind, and he would have a pain like no other griping his head once he was about ten miles from the manor tho it was pitch black and the security of the manor had registered a life form multiple heroes responding seeing it matched the bio of the wolf they knew as Alex see 40 miles and 3 hours ago...

The portal that took Sam a d Jason had dropped them off a good 59 miles away accidentally in the jungles terrain of rain forest junction(I think that was the name) and in the forested parts so they had to walk back (ps the manor location is about 59 miles from every Terran it sits on a line technically it's apart of all four parts and some villas in the outlying towns) and with sams missing limb it was taking longer cause they had to patch work the gushing gore riddled mess that the limb detach had caused and he had to stop ever mile to rest cause of the blood loss that was a symptom of having yiur arm torn off(duh)

But that meant they couldn't tell others the big news so that meant that 40 miles 3 hours later (aka present time and location of Jason)
This happened-

Jason had started to blur the line from him and Alex the line was racking his head, and his mind it also caused his to be racked with psychical pain the poor wolf grabbed his head and stumbled as he was to busy occupied by  the pain to notice the large mass of heroes

-Do keep in mind that most heroes didn't know his face cause over the years the heroes that are surrounding him are newbies they didn't show around the time he "died" so they couldn't know there faults-

"Hey you stop right there" a female hero calls toward the stumbling wolf

When he didn't they attacked all at once but...

He snapped into a type of defense that was just instinct which meant he could do as follows...

Kick the left freeze the right and send the fem hero flying while flipping the one behind him into a tree and sending a shockwave into the ground around him making the others fall on there asses and he ran off in the direction of manor at a impossible speed,leaving a spread of groaning heroes with out a single scratch maybe a bruise here and there otherwise no injured.

He arrives at the manor and runs in heading to a room that use to be his study all by accident he closes the door behind him and screams bloodcurdling in it's wake it penetrates the ground all those in the complex and any one in 59 miles could here his agony filled scream

Jack was in a room near the study and hid when the 'stranger' entered and angel hearing the scream came running to her son guns and armor on all gear equipped as she ran to the door that opens secretly into the manor  as she does the pained Jason had put on his hood it was crimson it was something attached to the cloths under his armor it shadows his face he walks out running into angel she sees him and growls running at him and he still dazed but coming out of the fog he was so evilly placed in had been able to dodge the blades baring down on him carwgeeling into a back flip letting the suit of armor behind him to take a slice to the gut before she shot at him thankfully it only grazed his armor tho it hit the clamps that are sorta a weak point making the armor part fall so he's in only a cloth shirt and hood and regular crimson clothing with black boots which with the next barge of ballistic wonder that came twirling to him in a blizzard format which he rolls to the left and back flips into the air landing unbalanced on the railing if the second floors bannister and falls on his face forward quickly enlisting a groan from him as the now in wonder -at the clumsiness of this strange person- angel just stares the downward facing wolf(lol yoga jokes lol)

She just runs to her son while Jason picks himself up the fall jarring hi brain enough to fully bring him back "Hun where..?" He grumbles getting up angel speeds down and into the lair door as it closes as Jason stands rubbing the back of his head causing the hood to fall away about this time the slow and the armless duo come in the back way and collapse from exhaustion and a tiny but of exposure to the climate of the forest non-stop oh and blood loss for Sam there whisked off to a med bay as for Jason he goes upstairs and lays in his now old tattered and dusty bed (ok let me explain his manor is so old that he kept it up most of the days and with out being lived in and taken care if it's gone to shit like it's rotting and it's like haunted house but no haunted just really run down and abandoned looking) he locks the room up before he falls into a slumber much needed but in dreams he recalls all that has happened and more...

What happens when Jason finally returns? Will piper and Sam be ok? What new danger lurks? can some one please tell me what Jason and Sam and the originals really are!!!!!!-

Is what yiur asking I bet

-find out next time on. The ghost

THE GHOST: season 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora