The vow who what and when and why

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100000 years ago before the birth of Sam and Jason when Malcolm was only 18

First let's establish that Malcolm was no saint but he was not that man at the age of 18-23 no he was kind loving and a hero to the people if Lyra why the boys mother had fallen for him

But this was not about him no this is about what you know as the vow

1200 years before the empire if Lyra a civilization called Cyprus had existed (close to the Egyptians and chines and Japanese empires) headed by a evil wolf

Alexander Wolfsin

He was 100010 years old and ageless sound familiar that's cause he was the original of originals the greatX1000 greats great grand father of Jason greatX999 great grand father of Malcolm

He was a great evil so evil he was nick named the dark wolf if the blood hand

He had a thing for honor and commitment that went to far so far that he killed skid for quote "forgetting to wake up at 4am" when the kid was only 4

And that was on his good day

He was evil incarnate and some say he never would die but back then people were wise they made a machine that would drain there emperor Of all ability and immortality tho it worked he had a 'plan' for such emergences his son a 10 year old named archon see Alexander had one ability no other in his line did he could move from a host to host and the more he did the more powerful he could and even able eventually to store or control multiple people through this abilite he used it to take his sons life becoming archon and continued down till one day Malcolm was inhabited he how ever had willpower enough to seal the evil in him so if he died none could enter he's sons tho when he went insane then evil the ethereal Alex put enough into Samuel enough so he could continue to do so till Sam was his

But Malcolm in horror that he became this unaware to only watch he gained control enough to allow the copy of Jason to kill him unknown ingle releasing the last if Alex into Sam

Author speaking: why I put this in well I originally planed on having him as a important person yet when I was writing and Sam as the vow was in my mind for once in all my writing I took Alexander and laid him aside till now and then I planed to make him essential so remember reader the wolf called Alex (ps my exact reversal lol shameless inserting but the name I had originally planed was not pronounceable so I made it my name) remember him for he dies come in later again as a essential character...

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