Chapter 2 Meeting Prince Sombra.

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The royal families were going on a picnic to the Everfree forest. Luna wanted to go exploring. King Obscurum seeing this as a opportunity for Luna to fall in love with Flash. He sent Luna into the woods with Flash. However, Queen Lux was not happy.

While in the woods, They explored everything. Flash honestly tried his best to make Luna fall in love with him but all attempts failed miserably.

There were two paths Luna went on th path to right. Flash did not know this because he thinking about what to say to Luna. She disappeared so Flash went on the path to the left.


The path took Luna to a part of the Everfree forest she had never been before. Up Ahead she saw the Outlands. Without looking at where she was going and bumped into a young colt.

He did not look like a colt from Equestria. His horn was shaped funny.

"What are you doing here Equestrian?" Said the young colt.However Luna kept ignoring him as told by her father . The young colt and surrounded her so she couldn't escaped but she still ignored him.

"What are you doing?" asked the colt.

" My father says I should always ignore an outsider like you." said Luna confidently.

"Do you always do what daddy says," said the colt in a teasing tone.

"No," immediately replied Luna.

" Bet you do. Bet you daddy's little filly" said the colt still teasing her.

"An outsider doesn't need anyone," said the colt proudly

"Really " said Luna.

Suddenly the colt saw a branch waiting to fall on Luna.

"Watch out" yelled the colt. He pushed her aside before the branch got her. Luna looked back and saw the branch.

"Wow you saved life. What's your name" asked Luna.

" They call me Prince Sombra." said Sombra feeling very proud.

" he he My name's Luna. " in a very strange voice like she had a crush on him. Meanwhile Flash was watching her and went to tell her dad.

"Wanna play tag." asked Luna

" What's tag" asked Sombra. After explaining the game he finally got the idea and was ready to play until Sombra's Dad King Malum leaped out of the brushes and King Obscurum leaped out an they were ready to fight.

"What are you doing here Obscurum?" Said King Malum

" What is your son doing here with my daughter. Don't you know the punishment of coming to Equestria?" growled King Obscurum.

"Yes I do. But the boy doesn't so go on execute him" tempted King Malum. King Obscurum looked at the colt and however did not carry out the punishment.

"Just get your colt out of here." said King Obscurum. King Malum carried Sombra away and King Obscurum carried Luna away.

"Bye" said Sombra not wanting to be heard.

"Bye" answered Luna in the sane manner.

King Obscurum placed Luna on a rock. She was in trouble but she was prepared for it. When she looked at him she smiled but the frown only got worse.

"Luna I am very disappointed with you. You deliberately disobeyed me. You could have been killed today. " said King Obscurum in a deep scary voice.

"I know. I was just trying to have fun and to be brave like you." answered Luna.

"Luna I am brave when I have to be . Luna being brave doesn't mean you go looking for trouble." said King Obscurum still in the deep scary voice.

"But you're never scared," answered Luna.

"I was today." continuing King Obscurum.

"You were?"

"Yes, I was afraid might lose you." said King Obscurum. They went back to the picnic and everyone went home happy.

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