Chapter 4. The Rescue

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Quick Note. if you have a good imagination like me and need to see more pictures of Sombra to imagine the story please go to YouTube and watch the somber meeting.

" Are you sure you want to do this Luna," asked Cadance feeling quite worried.

" Don't worry I'll be fine." answered Luna. It was time for Luna to raise the moon for the first time. Everyone in the castle was proud but Celestial and Cadance was worried. "What if she failed or she fainted or... ," all these questions rushed through their mind.

The time has come. Celestial had lowered the sun making room for Luna to raise the moon. Luna took off and she raised the moon. However, She suddenly got weak and started to fall towards the ground.

"Luna!!!!!!!" they all cried. Then a black figure came and caught her and landed in the Everfree forest. Everyone rushed out to save their precious Luna.

Meanwhile in the Everfree forest...

A black figure caught Luna and placed her gently on the ground. Luna looked up and saw only a purple force streaming out of green eyes. She fainted. This black figure carefully picked her up not using his magic, place her on his back and run.

This black figure ran swiftly through the forest but tripped on a branch thus causing both of them to fall into a deep lake. Luna was drowning (she is still unconscious) but the black figure saved her and dragged her onto the bank.

Luna started to recover.

"Where am I ?" Luna asked

"You're save; in the Everfree Forest," answered the figure.

" In the forest no. Why did you bring here and who do you think you are?" scolded Luna.

"Excuse me. I think I'm the one that just saved your life." answered back the figure.

" Look I had everything under control" said Luna

"Hmp Not from where I was standing" answered the figure with a smirk on his face

"Then move down wind" replied Luna. She was very angry and was going home to her nice warm bed. However the figure prevented her from passing. In fact it surrounded her. Heeding her father's advice she ignored him completely.

"What are you doing?" asked the figure. Luna's eyes opened wide. She recognized that voice.

"Sombra is it you?" Sombre looked down on her with a smirk while Luna stood in admiration until they heard a neigh. It was King Obscurum. He prevented the figure from seeing Luna because he did not recognize the colt.

"Luna are you okay?" asked King Obscurum

"Yes I am dad," said Luna. She did not sound too happy at all.

" Luna I nearly lost you. You will never raise the moon again. Not now not ever," King Obscurum demanded.

" Daddy it's not fair. I was perfectly fine until Sombra.." said Luna in defense however she was interrupted by her father

"Sombra!!!" He shouted. They both growled.

"Daddy how can you do this after all he saved me," retorted Luna

"You saved her why?" asked King Obscurum.

" Please I humbly ask to join your kingdom.

" No," interrupted King Obscurum " You were banned with the other outsiders."

" I am a rogue. I left the outsiders. Judge me know. After all how can I be blamed for a crime I did not commit." reasoned Sombra. King Obscurum was mad . He was stomping the ground.

"Obscurum You owe him your daughter's life." reasoned Queen Lux.

" Yes Daddy we are clearly in his debt" added Cadance." And royal portal calls demand that all debts be repaid."

"However this time we might want to make an expection, " whispered Celestial in a suspicious voice.

Obscurum watched Sombra and said " My father's law will prevail. For now I reserve judgement. Let's see who you really are." Obscurum then walked away to the palace.

Sombra looked aside and saw Luna, Cadance and Queen Lux looking at him with great excitement.

" hmp. Rift Raft." said Celestial in a disgusted voice. Everyone was walking to the castle while Sombre did a silent evil laugh.

While all of this was Happening...

Malum was looking on. He was very proud with Sombra. Th plan was going smoothly.

Meanwhile at the palace, Flash Sentry met Luna with open arms. Although Luna liked him she didn't love him. She only acted like she loved him because she wanted to see her father happy. Flash did not know this so he continued on.

The second before Sombra set hoof into the palace, King Obscurum ordered that he sleeps in the royal garden on the bench. Luna was the last to go in because she wants to see him.

" Thank for saving me back there," said Luna.

" What kind of a Princess are you?" asked Sombra.

" And what's that suppose to mean?" asked Luna.

" You can't last 1 day outside your precious castle" teased Sombra.

" Oh Yeah impress me. We start at dawn." said Luna.

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