Peals of Thunder

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Requested by @illuminaughty
warnings: none. (besides major feels bc c'mon let's face it what else do I ever write.)

"C-can you come over?"

"Tyler, what's wrong?"

"I j-just need you, J-Josh. Please?"

Josh looked out his window at the pouring rain that pelted against the glass. He didn't want to risk hydroplaning or flipping over on the highway, but Tyler needed him.

"I'll be there in 20 minutes. Don't move."

Tyler, currently wrapped up in the blanket that they had used on their first picnic date to fend off any and all bad thoughts, wouldn't go anywhere even if you made him.

"Okay. I-I love you, Joshy."

The red-headed 18 year old smiled as he snatched up his keys from off the kitchen table. "I love you too, Ty. I have to hang up, okay?"

Tyler reluctantly agreed and held his phone in his hand, which he hid amongst the folds of the blanket around his body. A crack of thunder boomed across the sky, and Tyler jumped, his small frame wracked with shakes.

Josh couldn't get there fast enough.

Bursting through Tyler's front door, he ran past Madison, who sat confused at the kitchen table, only to shrug it off. Josh came over unexpected all the time.

He ran upstairs, soaking wet, and found his way to Tyler's bedroom. Inside, the boy almost jumped from his spot on his bed to get up and greet Josh.

"Tyler..." Josh whispered when he saw the bleary-eyed brunette in the light of a bolt of lightning. A crack of thunder immediately followed, and Tyler squealed in fear.

Rushing to him, Josh put his hands on Tyler's through the blanket, opening the fabric around Tyler's body. It allowed space to be filled by Josh's body as he climbed on the bed, his legs going around Tyler's body.

Tyler leaned forward, whimpering, and put his arms up and around Josh's shoulders. He held him close, crying into his chest. The two were enveloped in the blanket, drying Josh and protecting Tyler from the storm outside.

"Breathe deep, Tyler." Josh said, his hand on the back of his boyfriend's neck.

"I-I-I can't." Tyler said through hiccuping sobs.

"Shhhh, yes you can." Josh ran his hand through Tyler's mouse brown hair. "You can do it. Feel my breaths and follow them."

This was a tactic they had employed before; Tyler would put his head on Josh's strong chest and pattern his own breaths after them to return to normal.

"F-follow your breaths..." Tyler repeated.


Tyler pursed his lips before opening them and breathing in time with Josh's, hearing his heartbeat thud in his chest.

"It's working, shh, shh," Josh cooed. "I'm here."

Tyler was strong now, licking his lips as he curled into Josh. The rain outside was still going strong, but their love, their connection, was stronger.

Josh took care of Tyler without refusal. He lived to see Tyler happy, safe, and healthy. No-one else could do what Josh did.

"Josh..." Tyler began, head turning up slightly.

"Yeah, Ty?"

Tyler blushed at the nickname, then regaining his state of mind.

"How could a heart like yours ever love a heart like mine?"

Josh was shocked that he would ever think that. He carefully made Tyler face him, his hands on either side of his face as he locked him in a gaze.

"That's a silly question. My heart has fallen in love with yours for so many reasons, Tyler. Yours is gentle, cautious. Mine couldn't help but be attracted to that. I keep your heart safe because it's what makes my heart happy."

Josh pressed a tender kiss to Tyler's lips, the two of them becoming lost in it. Pulling away, Josh spoke again.

"You're a wonder, Tyler. You're perfect. You're a human being with emotion, and that's alright. Seeing you is the highlight of my day, of my life. You cheer me up with even just a smile." Trailing a hand down his face, Josh let the pad of his thumb linger on his lower lip.

"Having you in my arms is what reminds me that I'm human and that I'm fighting to keep you. I'll fight until my dying breath, Tyler, and even more. I'll always protect you."

After that, nothing else seemed to matter to Tyler anymore. The storm faded away as he kissed Josh again, sinking into his hold under the blanket.

Tyler wasn't living before Josh came into his life. It was rejuvenated with vigor and blossomed into the love that they knew would last a lifetime, even more.

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