Dog Breath

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Requested by AceKnightTrinity 
Warnings: cute lil beans

Childhood friends since 6, two teenage boys by the names of Tyler Joseph and Josh Dun, were having a movie night.

Earlier in the day, Tyler noticed something. Josh was acting strange. More...touchy. He held Tyler's hand when it wasn't necessary, claiming he didn't want to get separated in the halls.

He also kissed Tyler on the cheek, just a little too close to his mouth.

But Tyler paid no mind, he just wanted to relax after a day of nothing but tests with his best friend Josh.

Blue hair peeking out from behind the kitchen wall, Josh asked, "How much butter is too much butter on popcorn?"

"When the popcorn starts to curl up." Tyler laughed, finger pressing buttons on the remote as he navigated channels and recordings.

"Gotcha." Josh winked, unseen by Tyler who still had his eyes trained on the screen.

Tyler was a shy boy, only coming out of his shell when he was alone with Josh. Josh was the opposite, fun and extroverted but toned down when with the brunette. Hence the hair.

The popcorn was ready and Josh carried it out in a big bowl, sitting himself down next to Tyler with a contented, "Dinner's ready, sweetcheeks."

Tyler laughed it off, reaching into the bowl. Josh saw the opportunity and reached in as well, their hands touching.

He waited for a blush from Tyler, only getting a murmured, "Sorry," before stuffing the handful into his mouth.

Josh flinched at his dirty thoughts, pushing it away and focusing on the old Godzilla movie playing on the TV. Tyler had no clue, but Josh developed a crush on him.

It didn't take long for him to realize that what he was doing wasn't wrong, but that Tyler could never possibly like him back.

The two of them leaned back against the couch cushion, quiet and only laughing at parts when the claymation looked way too stupid for even a movie of their budget.

Eventually, Tyler got tired, and he grabbed a throw pillow, placing it in Josh's lap. He laid down on his side, his head on the pillow. This was normal for them, just maybe not Josh's hand landing on his head and playing with fluffy brown hair.

Tyler hummed in delight, eyes closing. He hated to admit it, but this was more calming than anything his counselor had ever suggested.

Josh heard his little kitten-like purrs of affection and took it as a sign to keep going. His fingertips scraped Tyler's scalp, and he squirmed just the slightest bit.

"You good, buddy?" Josh asked with a chuckle.

"Y-yeah. Restless legs." He lied.

"Mhm." Josh said, purposely hitting his scalp again. This time, Tyler flipped over his whole body so he was looking up, straight at Josh.

Josh looked down at him, smiling. The light from overhead made his hair look lighter than it really was, as well as creating a halo effect.

"Guess I'll stop. Sorry." He said through his grin. He didn't know he had hit a stimulus in the boy, which was surprising.

"No, no, k-keep going."

"Why? It's like that spot on a dog that makes a dog thump its leg."

"Exactly. It feels...nice."

Josh scoffed. "Touché."

He kept doing it, loving the feeling of Tyler's soft hair between his fingers. Once again, his extroverted, not-so-innocent mind got out of control, and he had the urge to just kiss him.

"Hey Tyler," Tyler looked back up at him, eyebrow cocked. "Can you sit up for a second?"

Tyler, assuming he was pressing into an area too hard, did as he asked, only to be pulled right back. Onto Josh's lips.

Josh had a firm grip on his college basketball T-shirt with one hand, the other threading through his hair.

And Tyler was ultimately confused. His best friend was kissing him. And he liked it.

Tyler didn't know what to do. Josh was just kissing on his lips as he sat there, eyes blown wide. It didn't take long for him to catch onto the physical aspect of it and give into the pleasure.

He put his arms up around his shoulders, now closing his eyes. Josh was relieved to feel Tyler caving in, and moved the pillow off his lap.

Tyler pulled his lips off, looking down. He was panting, eager for breath in his lungs after that totally unexpected yet unimaginable kiss.

"Do you want-"

"Yes." Josh said abruptly, hands sliding down to his lower back. He urged him to get in his lap, even helping him climb in.

Tyler sat there, hands gripping the back of Josh's neck as they stared into each other's eyes.

"Why did you kiss me?" He asked.

"Why did you kiss me back?"


"Fine," Josh sighed, fingers playing with the bottom of Tyler's shirt. "Because I like you. A lot."

"You do? S-since when?"

"Since freshman year. I'm sorry, it's're so perfect and my best friend. You're sweet, you're cute, you're's hard not to fall in love with you."

Josh had to look away, his cheeks burning. Tyler, not used to being the outgoing one, made him face him again, his head leaning down as he nudge Josh's nose with his.

"Kiss me again, dog breath." He chuckled.

Josh happily complied, their lips molding together as they let everything slip away from their grasp.

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